Why does the water turn yellow when boiling potatoes?

Why does the water turn yellow when boiling potatoes?

Reading time – 3 minutes.

Usually, when potatoes are boiled, the water takes on a yellowish tint. It also happens that the water becomes cloudy, filling the kitchen with a pleasant starchy aroma. Starch is the culprit for all color changes, but it is not dangerous. If you boil potatoes in their uniform, the water will darken noticeably, acquiring a color closer to brown – of course, because the “uniform” is usually at least a little covered with earth.

But in general, yellowing of potatoes is practically the only color change option when potatoes can be eaten. Green and red shine is not typical for boiling light vegetables – this should alert any experienced housewife. For any suspicion of low-quality products, do not risk your health.

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