Why does potatoes become like glue when boiled?

Why does potatoes become like glue when boiled?

Reading time – 3 minutes.

Boiled potatoes have a homogeneous structure and are most often perfect for making mashed potatoes, sauces, dumplings, casseroles and cream soups. As you purée, you may notice that the potatoes look like a gummy paste. There is nothing scary and suspicious in this, requiring additional attention of the inspection authorities – such potatoes can be eaten. Only this “potato paste” will not be to everyone’s taste.

The reason for the paste is the use of a blender and cold milk. To prevent mashed potatoes from turning out like a paste, it is better to cook in the traditional way – use a crush and slightly warmed milk. And, of course, well-boiled potatoes. If you like creamy taste, feel free to add butter to potatoes. Use natural fatty dairy products for cooking so that low-quality ingredients cannot spoil your family dinner or holiday feast at the very last moment.

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