What to do to prevent the sliced ​​apple from darkening

Oh, how delicious apple quarters look on fruit plates! And what a wonderful zest they bring when we add the sliced ​​apple to salads! But how does a pleasant perception change to a negative one, when a completely darkened and already unappetizing apple appears in front of us.

We’ve experimented with sliced ​​apples and are ready to share a couple of tricks that will keep apples beautiful and mouth-watering.

Option one – when we take an apple with us

In a situation where you intend to take a sliced ​​apple with you, for example, to work or to give your child to school, cut the apple, as standard, into four parts, fold it back into the “apple” and secure it, for example, with an elastic band. In this form, the apple will not darken, even though you carry it all day in your lunchbox.


Option two – for serving

If you need to serve a sliced ​​apple in a fruit bowl or add to a salad, prepare a container of water in advance, to which add a little lemon juice. Place the sliced ​​apples in a container with water, and then dry on paper towels.

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