The use and dangers of cherry

Sweet, sour or bitter, red, pink, almost black, colored or yellow, there are many varieties and we are sure you already have your favorite.

The early ripening sweet cherry varieties starts from late may and lasts until August. The shape of the fruit depends on the variety and may be round or heart-shaped, and the color of the berries – from yellow to black. Berries of cherry are juicy, fleshy, with thin smooth skin.

How to choose

When choosing berries, pay attention not only to the berries, which should be tight, firm, vivid colors no nicks or soft spots on the skin, but also look to the stem. Buy cherries with green stems, as dry and discolored stalk is talking about the fact that cherry a long time was stored or is already overdue. Berries should be dry and have no smell of fermentation. Bought cherries store in the refrigerator.

Useful properties of cherries

For the circulatory system. Cherries contains an important element – coumarin. Cumarin compounds preventing the formation of blood clots and plaque, helps with anemia. A large amount of potassium is helpful for people suffering from hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.

Dark red berries cherries contain carotenoids and anthocyanins which strengthen the walls of blood vessels in atherosclerosis, and Inositol – vitamin that promotes metabolism and removal from the body of cholesterol.

For the digestion. Cherries stimulate digestion, relieves stomach pain and has an analgesic effect for arthritis, gout, rheumatism. Relieves swelling. Stimulates the kidneys, promotes weight loss, improves the General condition of the body.

When violations of the gastrointestinal tract, it is useful to eat berries of cherry and drink cherry juice.

For beauty and youth. Cherry improves skin condition, because it provides rapid withdrawal of harmful toxins from the body. The skin becomes more attractive and looks younger. In such skin diseases as acne, eczema or psoriasis, cherries contribute to the recovery.

Cherries are rich in trace elements involved in the process of production of melanin, which helps to improve the speed and quality of tan. Eat cherries and not be upset about sunburn.

For joints and connective tissues. The cherries are rich in zinc and copper, which are involved in the production of collagen – the main protein of connective tissue. In the body, it performs a connecting and construction functions responsible for elasticity and youthfulness of the tissues.

Collagen is produced by the human body every year less and less, therefore, the skin begins to wither, tendons and ligaments lose elasticity, cartilage and bone become more fragile.

The use and dangers of cherry

Who are not allowed to eat cherries

At the same time, the consumption of cherries may have a negative impact on the well-being of those who suffer from adhesive bowel disease. Also, be very careful if you have ulcer, gastritis with high acidity, tendency to flatulence. Do not get involved in this berry if you are a patient with diabetes, in order not to aggravate their condition.

In General, the cherry, fortunately, has few contraindications. First and foremost, is an individual intolerance.

The use and dangers of cherry

How to use cherries

By far the most useful cherries are fresh, eat it in small portions. Cherries are also used for making compotes, jams, jams, candied fruit, liqueurs, and can be frozen and dried. Cherry is a wonderful ingredient to prepare cakes, pies, ice cream and sorbets.

You can not use the cherries immediately after a meal: it should pass  at least 30 minutes after eating. You need to remember that cherries if eaten in large quantities, can cause diarrhea.

More about cherries benefits and harms read in our big article.

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