What we should know about apricot

Ripe apricots is an outlet for all who are concerned about their weight, because they are one of the few allowed to eat on many diets. Calorie content of apricot per 100 grams is only 42 calories. Not to be confused with dried, because dried fruit has almost no water, and the content of sugars and carbohydrates increases. The caloric value of dried apricots – 232 calories per 100 grams.

What are the benefits of apricots

Orange apricot fruits contain sugar, inulin, malic, tartaric and citric acids, starch, tannins, vitamins b, C, d, E, f, A, and also iron, silver, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus.

The high content of salts of iron and iodine makes apricots an indispensable product for diseases of the thyroid, high cholesterol. The pectin in the composition of apricot removes from the body toxins.

The apricot enhances immunity and prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia. It has a positive effect on blood formation, important for avitaminosis and diseases of the heart and blood vessels. For people suffering from kidney disease apricot is also suitable in the daily menu.

To enhance brain function and improve memory apricots are recommended in the menu, for schoolchildren and students are equally useful ripe fruits and compotes, juices, teas apricot. Besides, the orange berries have a laxative effect and contribute to the rapid withdrawal of toxins from the body.

What we should know about apricot

Among the useful properties of apricot and decongestant, diuretic effect. Apricot is allowed diabetes, but should choose varieties with the lowest sugar content of the composition.

Useful apricot seeв is a source of oil, similar in composition to peach and almond. Apricot oil contains linoleic, stearic and myristic acid. Apricot oil does not dry but moisturizes the skin within cosmetic composition. But in the light it rapidly deteriorates, so in cooking it should be used fresh. Apricot oil is also the basis for fat-soluble drugs.

Contraindications for the use of apricots

Apricots in any case should not be eaten on an empty stomach and also after meat and other protein harder to digest food – it can cause digestive disorders.

Should be careful those who have diseases such as gastritis, ulcer or hyperacidity of the stomach – apricot exacerbate symptoms and pain.

In diseases of the liver and pancreatitis apricot is also contraindicated in large quantities – you should rely on our own feelings.

People with diabetes, because of high sugar content, can not eat dried apricots. And apricot seed, in excess of permissible limits can cause serious poisoning.

What we should know about apricot

More about apricot health benefits and harms read in our big article.

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