What does the term “clean food” mean

Clean food is not considered one of the varieties of diets, it is rather a way and culture of food consumption, which is compatible with everyday life.

The idea of a clean diet is very simple: you should eat natural nutritious foods, eliminating all artificial food and industrial ingredients. Even flour or sugar are not products that are clean, as are several stages of processing, where they lose their basic useful properties.

In this case, the philosophy of pure clean food does not deny the preparation of foods and heat treatment. The main thing to fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, meat, fish, legumes and grains, nuts, seeds, spices were not preserved. It also reduces the number of products containing dyes, preservatives, stabilizers, flavors, flavor enhancers.

From food excluded canned food, sugar, artificial sweeteners, foods with white flour (pastries and bread to pasta), processed foods, foods in packages.

All meals should be split into 5-6 meals into small portions, snacking is permitted, not to add the feeling of hunger. You should also drink plenty of pure water, allowed unsweetened teas and juices. Coffee is excluded, the alcohol – as an exception occasionally allowed.

What does the term “clean food” mean

Clean power means to reduce the amount of salt in the diet. Thus, it is important not only to use correct methods during cooking but to consider the rules of purchasing products. So food did not seem fresh, generously use natural spices and herbs.

Of sweeteners allowed, only natural fructose, agave syrup, and honey. Sweet fruits are also good to eat – why deprive yourself of this pleasure?

Clean power is also based on the principle of consuming both carbohydrates and protein in each food intake. This will give the necessary energy and strength for the successful functioning of the entire body during the day.

Preferred natural fats from cold-pressed oils: olive, corn, sesame, Flaxseed, pumpkin seed, cedar, grapeseed, and many others.

When choosing products, be sure to pay attention to the label with the composition. More on her incomprehensible words, and additives, the less natural and clean is the product.

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