5 healthy substitutes for white sugar

It’s no secret that refined white sugar does more harm than good to our body. Sugar feeds existing diseases in the body and causes new ones. In this article, we propose to consider several natural substitutes for it, which will be useful, of course, with moderate consumption. Honey is a natural substitute for refined sugar. It strengthens the heart, prevents colds, coughs and purifies the blood. Being an alkaline product, honey does not acidify and does not contribute to the formation of gases. For people with high blood pressure, honey is recommended because the acetylcholine in it stimulates blood flow to the heart. Dates are an excellent source of potassium, iron and B vitamins, as well as fiber. For those who like to sweeten their food with sugar, just add some raisins next time. Juicy and sweet dried fruit contains all the nutrients of grapes. If you have digestive problems, try dried figs. It is also useful for those suffering from asthma and chronic cough, as it removes mucus. Prunes have a low glycemic index and are rich in fiber, which promotes a healthy digestive system. Dried fruits are a worthy substitute for sugar. Before use, it is advisable to soak them for several hours. Although white sugar is made from sugar cane, the refining process removes many beneficial nutrients. Sugarcane juice contains vitamins B and C, rich in organic salts of calcium, iron and manganese. This refreshing drink is recommended for people suffering from anemia and jaundice. Often referred to as medicinal sugar, it is useful for problems such as coughs, constipation, and indigestion. Rich in high mineral content. Unrefined palm sugar is perhaps the closest substitute for sugar. Available in powder, solid and liquid form. A South American plant known for its ability to reduce high blood pressure, reduce gas and gastric acidity. Stevia is low in calories and highly recommended as a sweetener for diabetics.

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