What do I eat for a top tan?

Tan without burning? This is possible through food, “because the skin is prepared from the inside”, comments Maxime Mésségué, dietitian-nutritionist. “A quantity of water associated with daily oxygenation constitutes basic criteria before exposing your skin to the sun without damaging it. But it is also important to promote a diet rich in carotenoids, vitamins and omega 3. Their benefits? “They bring a light color to the skin, give it greater flexibility and have antioxidant properties,” he explains. These nutrients are found in fresh, seasonal vegetables, certain vegetable oils and oily fish.

A multicolored plate

Carotenoids, yellow or orange pigments, are present in many plants. Easily assimilated by the body, they contain beta-carotene, a pigment precursor of vitamin A. “In fruits and vegetables, there are more than 600. In addition to the vitamins and fibers that they provide to our body, they promote a slight coloring of the skin. As a bonus, they are powerful antioxidants, ”explains Maxime Mésségué.

Free radicals: enemy n ° 1

Responsible for tissue aging and the appearance of wrinkles, free radicals are the enemies of the skin. Exposure to the sun promotes their multiplication. “This is why it is essential to give the spotlight to carotenoids in your diet! To be combined with vitamin C, which is found mainly in summer fruits and vegetables such as peach, melon or watermelon, and which inhibits the effects of free radicals, ”continues the nutritionist. A colorful plate, foods bursting with freshness: this is the key to a beautiful tan.

The 6 foods to choose for a great tan!

In video: 6 foods for a top tan

The courgette

The zucchini skin is particularly rich in carotenoids! So, do not peel it before cooking it. Among the flagship vegetables of the summer, zucchini is eaten raw, cooked or stuffed. To preserve as much as possible its vitamins A, B, C, consume it raw preferably. How? ‘Or’ What ? Grated into a salad with lemon juice, fresh herbs and pink berries.

The tomato

Rich in lycopene, the tomato is an excellent source of vitamin C, provitamin A and vitamin E. This gives it highly antioxidant properties. Red, yellow, black or orange, tomatoes are vegetables indicated in summer slimming menus. Gazpachos, carpaccios, coulis, roasted or stuffed tomatoes… It’s easy to enjoy seasonal tomatoes. A good extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of salt, a few leaves of basil and you’re done!

The watermelon

Lycopene, which watermelon contains, is part of the large family of carotenoids. This pigment protects cells and neutralizes free radicals. And it’s even better absorbed when consumed with fat. Launch into unexpected salty associations with watermelon! The good idea: watermelon, mint, feta, pepper and olive oil. For your seasonings, bet on vegetable oils such as olive oil rapeseed or olive oil.

Sweet potato

Orange tuber, the sweet potato is rich in beta-carotene, vitamins B and C, and minerals. It is the perfect ally for your tan (although it is not customary to consume a lot of it in summer). Rich in antioxidants, it has a unique sweet flavor and a melting texture. To be enjoyed as a cold salad or in flans.


The flesh of this fruit vegetable is full of virtues. Nourishing, avocado contains vitamins, minerals and so-called “unsaturated” lipids, which are good for the heart and digestion. Moisturizing, it regenerates and revitalizes the epidermis while blocking free radicals. To make it ripen faster, place it in a salad bowl with 2 apples and cover with a plate.


Considered as an oily fish, sardines contain more than 10% lipids. Rich in omega 3, it is also an excellent source of vitamin B12. Rich in antioxidants, sardines are renowned for their fatty acid and vitamin D content. They help strengthen skin cells such as mackerel, herring or salmon.

Olive oil

Virgin olive oil extracted by cold pressing is rich in vitamin E. It protects cells and slows the progression of wrinkles. Very fragrant, this yellow-green oil is mainly used in seasonings. Keep it away from air, light and heat to enjoy all its benefits.


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