We continue talking about seedlings …

Returning to the topic of sprouted cereals and legumes, I will be happy to share with you my experience of friendship with these unique food products. Why unique? What else can you say about food that is at the stage of maximum vitality and activity at the time of germination? It contains an incredible concentration of biologically active substances and vitamins, plus the maximum amount of energy. Yes, you get a surge of vivacity, strength and energy, breaking stereotypes and tasting these life-filled foods.

So, green buckwheat… Why she? Precisely because green is its natural color. But after the steaming and cleaning procedure, we see her brown tan. However, buckwheat retains vitamins even after processing. In addition, it is a healthy natural product with a low glycemic index, minimal fat and maximum benefits for your body. The calorie content of green buckwheat is very low: only 209 kcal per 100 g. Of these, 2,5 g of fat and 14 g of protein! 

Now imagine that in the virgin version of the sprout, this green fairy will give you all her complex of vitamins and energy. And if we still don’t cook it, but cook the cereal by soaking it for 12 hours !? You do not need to measure out a certain amount of water for cooking, or wait until the liquid boils away, hoping that you will get crumbly cereals, and not sticky porridge. In our version, everything is much simpler! 

First you just need to rinse and soak the buckwheat in water, leaving it for 12 hours. Then drain the water, rinse thoroughly in a colander and leave the buckwheat for another 12 hours, covered with damp gauze soaked in water. If you don’t have cheesecloth, just leave the buckwheat in a little water, cover with a towel – and that’s it! Checked – it germinates perfectly. Fresh, slightly crunchy in taste, rich in the entire complex of B vitamins and iron, which is indispensable for us, green buckwheat will become a new source of energy and vitality for the body.


It is advisable to store seedlings in the refrigerator and no more than 3 days, rinsing before use. Good luck with your experiments and good luck!


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