Triangle Area Calculator

The publication presents online calculators and formulas for calculating the area of ​​a triangle according to various initial data: through the base and height, three sides, two sides and the angle between them, three sides and the radius of the inscribed or circumscribed circle.


Area calculation

Instructions for use: enter the known values, then press the button “Calculate”. As a result, the area of ​​the triangle will be calculated.

1. Through the base and height

Calculation formula

Triangle Area Calculator

2. Through the length of three sides (Heron’s formula)

Note: if the result is zero, then the segments with the specified lengths cannot form a triangle (follows from the properties).

Calculation formula:

Triangle Area Calculator

p – semi-perimeter, which is considered as follows:

Triangle Area Calculator

3. Through two sides and the angle between them

Note: the maximum angle in radians should not be greater than 3,141593 (approximate value of the number π), in degrees – up to 180° (exclusively).

Calculation formula

Triangle Area Calculator

4. Through the radius of the circumscribed circle and the side

Calculation formula

Triangle Area Calculator

5. Through the radius of the inscribed circle and side

Calculation formula

Triangle Area Calculator

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