TOP 5 dishes of bruised tomatoes

To throw away healthy vegetables is a pity, especially if it is your own harvest. But in the market, you can get overripe fruits, and after a while, they can crack and begin to spoil. How to save flattened tomatoes – here are a few dishes you can cook.

Tomato sauce

TOP 5 dishes of bruised tomatoes

Tomato sauce you can preserve and immediately used for cooking other dishes. Just scalded fruit in for a few minutes and cut off the peel. The tomatoes simmer’s pulp on a slow fire for an hour and then season to taste – salt, pepper, herbs and spices, garlic, and other products.


TOP 5 dishes of bruised tomatoes

Tomato jam? Not only possible but also insanely delicious! Tomatoes boil on low heat with sugar, lemon juice. Add a little salt and seasoning to taste – vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, coriander. When the mixture starts to turn into jelly, remove it from heat and cool.

Tomato soup

TOP 5 dishes of bruised tomatoes

Thick tomato soup or tomato gazpacho – the perfect way to save the disappearing tomatoes. Fry in olive oil, finely chopped onion, add the spices, chop tomatoes, and cover water or broth. Within half an hour, the soup is ready. Bring to taste with herbs, cool, and whisk with a blender.

Tomato cocktail

TOP 5 dishes of bruised tomatoes

Bloody Mary is one of the most popular cocktails in the world. And if you have a scheduled party, do not rush to throw tomatoes. Sauté the tomatoes with salt and pepper, garlic, onion, and spices to taste to make a thick tomato juice. Cold tomato drink pours into glasses, add horseradish, Worcestershire sauce, salt, hot sauce, lemon, and vodka. Mix the cocktail for submission ready!

Tomato salsa

TOP 5 dishes of bruised tomatoes

For this sauce, you will require the pulp of tomatoes, chopped very finely. Mix the chopped onions, garlic, herbs, and spices. Part salsa, you can blend, but leave small pieces. Thicken the sauce with wine vinegar or lemon juice, spice, and serve meat or fish.

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