Top 15 videos from back pain and for rehabilitation of the spine with Olga Saga

According to statistics, regular discomfort and pain in the back occur in 30% of the adult population. We offer you the top 15 videos from back pain with Olga Saga that will help restore function of the spinal division and forget about the back pain.

Videos from back pain useful not only for Troubleshooting problems with the spine, but also for the prevention of diseases that can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle, regular physical activity, age-related changes. A healthy spine is a healthy body. Pay her back for only 15 minutes a day and your body will thank you

The opening of the hip joints: 7 videos with Olga Saga

The advantage of the videos from back pain with Olga Saga:

  • treatment and prevention of various diseases of spine (osteochondrosis, protrusion, herniation, lumbago, sciatica, etc.)
  • getting rid of chronic back pain and joints
  • restore lost flexibility and mobility of the spine
  • the removal of tension, stiffness and muscle spasms of the back
  • the enhanced blood circulation in the pelvic area, legs and back, improve the urinary system
  • the formation of correct posture
  • strengthening the deep back muscles and the muscular system
  • disclosure of the thoracic and revitalization of the organs of the chest
  • the opening of the hip joints
  • body fat reduction in the waist and back
  • improvement of blood circulation in the body and enhance the functioning of internal organs
  • getting rid of stress, finding a sense of lightness and looseness
  • increasing the vitality of the body and overall health.

15 videos from back pain with Olga Saga

Most of the suggested videos from back pain lasts about 15 minutes. They will not take you much time, but when regularly performed, you will receive fantastic results.

You can choose individual classes that you like more, and can alternate all of the proposed video together. For training you need only a Mat, all classes are calm and relaxing.

1. Health exercises for the spine (15 minutes)

This video is just made for getting rid of back pain and prevention of serious diseases of the spine. It incorporates the most effective and simple exercises that are performed lying and sitting on the floor: the bending, twisting, stretching of the spine. However, if at the moment you had the aggravation of diseases of the spine, the complex is run is not recommended.

Оздоровительная гимнастика для ПОЗВОНОЧНИКА / Лечебно-профилактический комплекс

2. Rehabilitation of joints and spine (15 minutes)

Performing regularly this video is from back pain, you can improve your posture, reduce stiffness in the back and enhance the vitality of the body and overall health. The lesson is completely sitting on the floor in the Lotus position and the butterfly. The proposed exercises will also help to open up the hip joints and increase blood circulation in the pelvic region.

Оздоровление суставов и позвоночника

3. Office exercises: exercises (15 minutes)

This video is from back pain are aimed at the improvement of the spine, elimination of stiffness in the cervical area and improve blood circulation in the body. Training takes place entirely in the sitting position on a chair, so you can do it even in the office in free from work for 15 minutes.

Офисная гимнастика / Упражнения для оздоровления спины / Комплекс со стулом

4. The development of flexibility and freedom from back pain (15 minutes)

Lesson stretch for beginners is aimed at development of flexibility of legs and back, strengthening the spine and relief from back pain and overall relaxation of the body and nervous system. All the exercise is simple, although quite new, their execution is likely to cause trouble. You are waiting for the bridge folds, the leg lifts in lying position, reverse placket.

Растяжка для начинающих / Расслабление, развитие гибкости и избавление от болей в спине

5. A gentle practice for a healthy back (20 minutes)

This 20-minute mild exercises aimed at stretching and strengthening the spine and to eliminate muscle spasms and pain in the back. Includes such exercises as the bridge rolls back, lateral traction, Superman. The great influences on the lower back.

Мягкая практика для ЗДОРОВОЙ СПИНЫ

6. Soft practice for the spine (13 minutes)

A simple set of exercises from back pain, you will be able to strengthen the deep back muscles, to release tension in the lower back, interscapular area, and neck area. Includes such exercises as the cat, the Sphinx, the dove.

Мягкая практика для ПОЗВОНОЧНИКА / Избавляемся от БОЛИ в СПИНЕ

7. Complex cat: remove the tension in your back (15 minutes)

This treatment and preventive videos from back pain will help you to improve the spine to relieve tension in the back and waist. All training sessions are held in position on all fours: you will do the exercise “cat” and its various modifications. Exercise “cat” is one of the most effective for the prevention and getting rid of back pain.

Комплекс КОШКА / Снимаем напряжение и боль в спине / Оздоровление позвоночника

8. Ease back and strengthening the muscular corset (18 minutes)

A set of exercises aimed at restoring the functions of the spine, elimination of pain in the back and the formation of correct posture. In addition, you’ll work on strengthening the corset muscles by performing simple exercises for the crust, balance and strengthen the back. Most of the exercises performed lying on your back, with the exception of the block on all fours.

9. Five exercises from back pain (12 minutes)

This video is from back pain involves 5 effective exercises: pulling up the knee to the chest; a rolling back; lay in a prone position; “the cat” and its variations; traction lying down with the use of the wall. Training is convenient because it is sufficient to remember a few exercises and you can complete this lesson without video.

5 Эффективных упражнений ОТ БОЛИ В СПИНЕ

10. Soft stretching from back pain (15 minutes)

Soft dynamic practice developed by Olga Saga for the development of the elasticity of the joints, development of flexibility of spine, strengthen and release tension from the muscles of the back. The first part of the class is sitting, you will perform a circular motion and tilts to the side and forward. Then you are waiting for exercises lying on the back. In conclusion, you will do some exercises in the strap and lying on his stomach.

11. How to get rid of back pain (15 minutes)

This video is from back pain will help relieve the pain in the lower back and rump, relaxes your upper back, strengthen the deep muscles of the back. In addition, you will effectively work on stretching the legs and opening the hip joints. The complex is offered for beginners, but more suitable for people with a good stretch.

Как избавиться от БОЛИ В СПИНЕ / Растяжка ног и спины / Растяжка для начинающих

12. Strengthening and rehabilitation of the spine (13 minutes)

This set of exercises aimed at strengthening back muscles and intervertebral disks, as well as to develop flexibility of the spine and reduce pain in the lumbosacral region. Training is completely on the belly and includes backbends, variations of Superman, pose, camel pose, Cobra.

Укрепление и оздоровление позвоночника / Прогибы / Strengthening back muscles

13. Exercises for flexibility of the back (10 minutes)

This video is from back pain aims to develop flexibility of the back, traction the spine and relieve tension in the lower back. In the first half you will exercise in the position of downward-facing dog. Then you will carry the cat and the Cobra. With this short session for 10 minutes you will effectively work on flexibility of the back.

Формирование здорового позвоночника / Упражнения для гибкости спины

14. Lateral traction: shooting pain in the back (13 minutes)

Effective set of exercises, through which you pull the spine, improve posture, remove tension from deep muscle and get rid of back pain. All exercises are a lateral stretching: the slopes of the body and turns. The program includes a lot of static poses that are performed lying on the floor, sitting on the floor, in position on all fours.

БОКОВЫЕ ВЫТЯЖЕНИЯ / Снимаем напряжение и боль в спине / Формируем стройную талию

15. Complex for a healthy spine (20 minutes)

And another quality set of exercises aimed at improving and restoring the functions of the spine and the formation of correct posture. The proposed exercises stabilize the spine, eliminate spasms and pain in the back, strengthen muscular corset.

Лёгкость в спине / Комплекс для здорового позвоночника / Укрепляем мышечный корсет

Regularly working out at the videos from back pain with Olga Saga, you will get rid of the negative effects of sedentary work, will find renewed vigor and vitality, improve the flexibility and mobility of the spine. A short free training from a popular trainer youtube will help you to treat your body and forget about stress and fatigue in the back.

See also:

  • Exercise to relax the back with Katherine Buyda
  • How to remove side: 20 + 20 exercises
  • Top 10 exercises for your back for girls home

Yoga and stretching the Back and loins

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