Forming creative habits

Spring is the perfect time for a fresh start, including new habits. Many will agree that the new year really begins only in the spring, when nature comes to life again, and the sun is getting warmer.

The most common ones are: instinctively turning on the light when entering a room, using certain words in speech, looking on both sides of the road when crossing the street, using the phone screen as a mirror. But there are also a number of less innocuous patterns of behavior that we often want to get rid of.

The brain is able to change, adapt and reorganize neural pathways in response to changes in the environment and situations. To be scientifically accurate, this is called “brain neuroplasticity.” This wonderful ability can be used to our advantage – the formation of new habits. In other words, forming and maintaining creative habits that work for us is eminently achievable.

They come in different shapes and variations. Someone wants to replace a bad habit with something more fruitful, someone is moving from scratch. It is important to determine what change you want to see in yourself, to be ready for it and motivated. Be honest with yourself and understand that everything is possible!

Having an accurate picture of your intention will help you get through the sometimes difficult path to forming a new behavior. Also, if you are trying to eliminate an existing habit, always keep in mind the undesirable that it brings into your life.

As the famous quote from Aristotle says: When a child learns to play a musical instrument, such as the guitar, by studying hard and not deviating from classes, his skill reaches a high level. The same thing happens with an athlete, a scientist, an engineer, and even an artist. It is important to remember that the brain is a highly adaptive and flexible machine. Change always depends on the amount of effort and time spent on achieving the result. The same story happens with the brain when forming new habits.

How does your body tell you that you are on the verge of relapsing into old behavioral patterns? Who and what situations make you more susceptible to relapse? For example, you tend to reach for a chocolate bar or greasy donuts when you’re stressed. In this case, you need to work on awareness at the moment when you are overcome by the desire to open the closet and run into that very bun.

According to an article released by Florida International University, it takes 21 days to break an old habit and create a new one. A very real period of time, subject to the right strategy. Yes, there will be many moments when you want to give up, maybe you will be on the verge. Remember: .

Staying motivated can be a daunting task. Most likely, it will even begin to fall within three weeks. However, the situation is not hopeless. To keep you motivated to continue, imagine enjoying the fruits of your efforts: the new you, without the old habits dragging you down. Try to find support from friends and family.

As a result of brain research, it has been proven that the possibilities of the human brain are enormous, regardless of age and gender. Even a very sick person has the potential to recover, not to mention… replacing old habits with new ones! Everything is possible with the will and desire. And spring is the best time for this!  

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