Top 10 foods high in calcium

Calcium is an important element for the normal functioning of the body. In the adult human contains from 2 kg of calcium, but it requires constant maintenance and replenishment.

Average daily calcium from a person in the age from 18 till 50 years, not suffering from any serious diseases, about 1000 mg. While teenagers, children, elderly and pregnant women this element is needed in much larger quantities.

Why we need calcium:

  • strengthening bones, tendons and cartilage
  • healthy skin
  • strong nails and strong hair
  • stable operation of the endocrine system
  • strengthening of walls of vessels, stabilization of cardiac rhythm
  • strengthening of the nervous system (calming effects)
  • the power of nerve impulses to improve memory function
  • strengthen teeth, minimizing the risk of tooth decay

Top 10 foods rich in calcium

Consider products with a high content of calcium, which should definitely include in your diet if you want to keep your teeth, hair, skin, bones, joints, tendons, and blood vessels in excellent condition.

1. Cheese and dairy products

Practically all varieties of cheese contain lots of calcium, but the highest percentage in durum. 100 g of cheese Parmesan, cheddar, Emmental, Dutch contains about 1,000 mg of calcium. Much less calcium in soft cheese: Adygei, feta, Camembert, contain about 500 mg of calcium. We must remember that cheese is a nutritious product, so its excessive use provokes weight gain. In addition, it can be high in fat or lipoproteins. If you lose weight, you should not consume more than 50 grams of fatty cheese a day.

A good cheese is rich in vitamin B. B1 restores energy, increases efficiency. B2 is particularly important for children, because its deficiency can lead to slow development. B12 is involved in the process of creating blood cells, which carry oxygen and provide energy.

Contains a lot of calcium and other dairy products. In 100 grams of milk contains 120 mg calcium, and 100 g of cottage cheese – 165 g of calcium. Milk powder contains 1000 mg of calcium per 100 g of product, therefore, is also an excellent provider of this useful trace element in the body.

How much you need to eat: 50 g Dutch cheese a day, 300 g of cottage cheese or 500 grams of milk provide 50% of the daily value of calcium.

2. Sesame

It unrefined sesame contains large amounts of calcium (1000 mg per 100 g of product). Hulled sesame seeds loses a significant portion of mineral (60 mg per 100 g of product), but still a food rich in calcium. Raw sesame seeds can be bought in departments of a healthy diet, it is better to take a brown or black product. Sesame will be a great addition to your morning cereal, but you can add it in salads and pastries.

Sesame seeds contain phytosterol, which strengthens the immune system, so the sesame seeds will be useful to children exposed to aggressive environment. It is especially useful for women, since it has a positive impact on the genitourinary system and generally improves libido. Sesame is important for weight loss because it contains sesamin , a substance that accelerates metabolism and reduces the harmful cholesterol in the blood.

How to eat: 30 grams of black or brown sesame seeds will provide 30% of the daily value of calcium.

3. Sardines

Calcium is not the meat of sardines, and in their bones, therefore it is recommended to eat high-quality sardines in oil or a well to propagate the fish in its own juice, so the bones were soft. Sardines in oil is very thick, so it is not recommended to people who want to lose weight, but for the rest of the sardine is an important product with a high content of calcium. 4 fish of medium size contain about 200 mg of calcium, which is about 20% of the daily value. Of course, do not fill the norm of the day only to sardines.

Sardines saturated with vitamin B12, and also contain a lot of useful protein and slow carbohydrates. Thanks to this combination of body will get from the product, the maximum long-term energy. This is useful before workouts or strenuous work, because it will be possible for a long time to forget about the hunger. Well as sardines are rich in omega 3, which strengthens the cardiovascular system and supports the prevention of heart disease.

How much you need to eat: 4 sardines a day will provide 20% of the daily value for calcium.

4. Almonds

It is a product with high calcium content: 100 grams of fresh almonds, about 269 mg of calcium. Almonds should not eat in large amounts as it can have a negative impact on the body in such quantity. In addition, nuts is a very nutritious product. However, almonds contain slow carbohydrates – small handful is enough to get the energy to work out for an hour or more.

But a handful of almonds will fill up a significant part of not only calcium in the body. Together with calcium support skin, hair and nails does vitamin a which also strengthens bones and is contained in almonds in large quantity. Also almonds contain vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, which generally increase efficiency, increase stamina and give a lot of energy to the body. Almonds are rich in potassium, which stimulates brain function, stabilizes acid-alkaline balance, which beneficially affects the General appearance and health.

How to eat: 30 grams of almonds a day will provide 10% of the daily value of calcium.

5. Chicken eggs

Chicken egg, its yolk is a product rich in calcium. In fact, the highest content of calcium in his shell, so some people recommend pounding it in a mortar and consumed with food. But we consider a more edible option.

In 100 g of egg yolk contains 136 mg of calcium. He is the most nutrient eggs (54 kcal), which contains many other useful substances. In addition, the yolk is good fats, without which it can not do the body. The yolk also contains vitamin D that the sun makes up for the insufficiency in the body without harming him. The yolk is so important for people who are rarely in the sun. It also contains a high percentage of vitamin K, which ensures the normal clotting of blood and promotes proper digestion of protein.

However, egg protein contains the full range of amino acids needed by the body for building muscle. Recommend to eat at least one egg a day to get set important trace element.

How much you need to eat: 4 whole eggs provide 10% daily value of calcium.

6. Soy

Soy is a product rich in calcium. In 100 g of cooked soybeans contains 100-200 mg of calcium, but it does not limit the possibilities of soybeans. More calcium is in soy tofu (283 mg/100 g) and soy protein, perfect for athletes, gaining weight (363 mg). But even in pure form or in a plate of soybeans would be 20% of the daily value of calcium, so it is recommended every day at least 200 g. This is the record holder among legumes in content of calcium.

The carbohydrates of soybeans are food for the bifidobacteria, which, in turn, prevent the emergence of cancer cells. Soy is rich in fiber (especially in a clean, minimally processed form) and also a very low-calorie product. Therefore, soybean is suitable for people gaining weight and reducing weight. Soy is referred to “superfoam” – foods rich various mineral elements, because the soy also record the amount of magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.

How much to eat: 100 g tofu or 300 g of soybeans per day will provide 30% of the daily value of calcium.

7. Rhubarb

100 g of this plant contains 86 mg of calcium. Rhubarb is a very healthy product with a high content of calcium, which many overlooked. Like cabbage, it does not lose its properties during heat treatment. It is especially useful for children and adolescents who are in the growth stage, their body requires calcium in large quantity. In 100 g of rhubarb is only 21 kcal and 4.5 g of carbohydrates, making the product safe for the figure, but is incredibly nutritious.

Vitamin K, which activates the brain, is 25% of the daily requirement in 100 g of rhubarb. Rhubarb also improves memory function, has the prevention of disease Alzheimer’s. It has a lot of vitamin A, which slows down the process of cell death. This means that a sufficient amount of this vitamin slow the aging process. Also the regular use of vitamin A reduces the risk of cancer.

How much you need to eat: 200 grams of rhubarb will provide 15% of the daily value of calcium.

8. Lobster (lobster)

Crustaceans (shrimps, crabs, crayfish) – foods rich in calcium due to their chitin armor. The tender meat is saturated with useful trace element and 100 grams of lobster has 96 mg of calcium (in other crustaceans slightly less). This low-calorie product that is low in carbs but very high in protein, therefore is considered a dietary.

Lobster is rich in various mineral elements, lots of vitamins, including PP, K, E and A. This product strengthens blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, promotes normal digestion. He’s a good influence on the reproductive system of women and promotes the production of testosterone in men. Chitin lobster is often used in cosmetics to slow the aging process.

How much you need to eat: 200 grams of lobster will provide 20% of the daily value for calcium.

9. Cabbage (cabbage)

100 g of cabbage has 48 mg of calcium, which is a lot, given the low-calorie product. The calcium gets washed out of the cabbage during heat treatment, so steamed, boiled, baked cabbage is still a product rich in calcium. It can be eaten in large quantity, as it only contains slow carbohydrates, and healthy plant proteins.

Cabbage is a “super”. It is rich in potassium and magnesium and contains tartronovaya acid which is rarely found in common foods: this acid prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. In cabbage contains a rare vitamin U, which is useful for inflammations of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, it is useful to use in gastritis and ulcer as cabbage lowers acidity in the stomach.

How much you need to eat: 200 grams of cauliflower per day will provide 10% of the daily value of calcium.

10. Figs

100 g figs have 35 mg of calcium. Figs are also considered to superfoambecause it is rich in various useful components, including a product with a high content of calcium. It does not lose its useful properties even in dried form. In 100 g of product contains only 54 calories, but 12 grams of carbohydrates, which makes the figs are very nutritious, wholesome product. Figs helpful to start weight loss because it has a laxative effect and leaches the body of stagnant harmful components. Therefore, the figs often a part of various medicines for weight loss.

Figs are also a lot of water (83 g) and potassium (190 mg), which makes it no less useful. As the raisins and walnuts, it has a positive effect on the brain, improves memory function and overall health. Due to potassium reduces the risk of heart disease and blood vessels, has prevention of blood clots.

How much you need to eat: 5 of figs will provide 10% of the daily value of calcium.

See also:

  • Top 10 foods with the highest zinc content
  • Top 10 foods high in magnesium
  • Top 10 foods high in iodine content
  • Top 10 foods high in vitamin A

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