Calculators to calculate calories, protein, carbohydrates and fats

The easiest way to get rid of excess weight is food with a calorie deficit. But you need to know your rate and calculate it yourself is not always easy.

We offer you online calculators to calculate calories, protein, carbs and fats with which you will be able in few clicks to find out your rate KBZHU. You need to enter your weight, height, age, rate of physical activity, the percentage of the deficit/surplus and you will get the final value of calories and ready values of PFC (protein, carbohydrates and fats), and you want to follow.

Calorie allowance: online calculator

For calculating the rate of calorie you need to know the following information:

  • Weight (in kg)
  • Height (in cm)
  • Age
  • The activity coefficient
  • The percentage of deficit or surplus

After entering values you get the following:

  • Calorie allowance for weight loss (calorie deficit)
  • Intake of calories to support weight
  • Intake of calories to gain weight (a calorie surplus)

How to determine the activity coefficient:

  • 1,2 – minimal activity (lack of exercise, sedentary work, low motion)
  • A 1.375 – light activity (light exercise or walks, small daily activity during the day)
  • 1,46 – average activity (workout 4-5 times a week, good activity for the day)
  • 1,55 – activity above the average (an intense workout 5-6 times a week, good activity for the day)
  • Of 1.64 – increased activity (daily workouts, high daytime activity)
  • 1,72 – high activity (daily ultra-intense exercise and a high daily activity)
  • A 1.9 – very high activity (usually we are talking about athletes in a period of competitive activity)

In determining the activity, consider more exercise, and total daily activity (work, traffic during the day, other activity). For example, if you train 3 times a week for 60 minutes at an average pace, but the greater part of a day actually spent in a sitting position, then choose minimal activity. If on different days is different, we choose the estimated average activity per day in week period.

How to determine the percentage of deficit or surplus:

  • By default, we recommend to take 20%.
  • If you don’t want to speed up the process of weight loss or weight gain, choose 10-15%.
  • If BMI (the body mass index) greater than 30, we can take the deficit of 25-30% (after normalization of weight, reduce the deficit to 20%).

Please note that the calculator calories for men and women differ. Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. Calorie allowance is calculated immediately for weight loss (calorie deficit) to gain weight (a calorie surplus), to maintain/maintain weight. You choose the value depending on your goals.

PROPER NUTRITION: how to start step by step

Intake of calories calculated by the Harris-Benedict equation, it is recognized as the most accurate to date. Read more about how are the values of this formula, see the article about COUNTING CALORIES.

Norma PFC:: online calculator

After calculating the calories you need to calculate BDIM. In order to determine which amount of protein, carbohydrates and fat with your calorie intake, you must first know the percentage distribution of the PFC.

The standard and recommended option BDIM:

  • Protein: 30%
  • Fats: 30%
  • Carbohydrates: 40%

PFC 30/30/40 is the classic version of the PFC distribution, which is recommended if you do not train or exercise for General weight loss and body tone (at home, in group classes or in the gym with low weight weights).

Other distribution options BDIM is best used if you are already savvy in the way of body construction or, after consultation with the coach.

PFC option for practicing sports and working on the terrain:

  • Proteins: 40%
  • Fats: 20-25%
  • Carbohydrates: 35-40%

PFC option for practicing sports and working on a lot:

  • Protein: 30-40%
  • Fats: 20-25%
  • Carbs: 40-50%

Please note, the table you enter a percentage only of protein and carbohydrates, fats are automatically calculated based on the total amount of the three indicators BDIM = 100%. You also need to enter your daily intake of calories (the default is 1600 kcal).

We also recommend you to read our other articles on nutrition:

  • Counting calories: where to start details?
  • All about carbohydrates: simple and complex carbohydrates for weight loss
  • Proper nutrition: the most complete guide to the transition to PP
  • 5 major myths for weight loss method of calorie counting

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