The 10 amazing benefits of fenugreek

For a long time, human beings understood the virtue of plants very early on and used them. This knowledge has been passed down from generation to generation and today some of these plants are still used in many skies.

This is the case with fenugreek. Also called senégrain or trigonella, fenugreek is a herbaceous plant of the Fabaceae family, but especially dicotyledons that are commonly called legumes.

It is mainly used for medicinal reasons and for daily consumption. Here are the 10 benefits of fenugreek.

What is fenugreek?

For the record, it is first of all a plant that is native to the Middle East, more specifically in Egypt and India (1).

It would have popularized very quickly on the shores of the Mediterranean, that is to say, in the countries which were there.

Fenugreek is a very ancient plant that the Egyptians used to embalm their dead or to treat burns.

A papyrus called Eber papyrus, dating from 1500 BC attested to its use by Egyptian communities at that time.

Famous figures from ancient Greece also used this famous plant. Among others, the famous Greek doctor Hippocrates had also mentioned it as a remedy for certain diseases.

The Greek physician of the first century BC. AD, Dioscorides had also recommended it to treat infections of the uterus and other types of inflammation.

The Romans also used it to feed their cattle and horses, hence its Latin name “foenum graecum” which means “Greek hay”. This plant has been listed in the French Pharmacopoeia since the 17th century.

Fenugreek is an annual plant with a height of between 20 and 50 cm. Its leaves are composed of three leaflets and ovals. The fruits are yellow-beige in color and have a strong odor reminiscent of hay.  

The fruits are pods which have very hard oblong, mucilaginous and angular seeds within them.

They taste a bit bitter. Fungreek is grown on uncultivated soils and likes mild, non-rainy climates. It is a plant that is in great demand in traditional medicine and in modern medicine.

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Fenugreek is an extraordinary plant which is made up of several elements.

  • First of all, it contains many trace elements such as potassium, sulfur, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and others in a large proportion.
  • In addition it contains many vitamins, mainly vitamins A, B1 and C which are important for the proper functioning of the organism.
  • Senegrain contains a large amount of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates.
  • In the fruits of fenugreek you will find antioxidants and acids like nicotinic acid.

You will also find alkaloids, flavonoids, lecithin and saponins which participate in the proper functioning of sex hormones, endocrine glands and the synthesis of cholesterol.

  • Fenugreek also contains an amino acid called 4-hydroxy-isoleucine, which appears to increase the body’s production of insulin when blood sugar levels are too high.
  • Senégrain seeds contain a high percentage of mucilaginous fibers reaching 40%.

The 10 benefits of fenugreek

Against hair loss and baldness

Fenugreek is used in several cultures for hair care. It is just as emollient as it is restorative (2).

For people who suffer from hair breakage, an application of fenugreek powder on the hair would help to firm them.

Indeed, it contains many nutrients which make it possible to strengthen the capillary base of the hair. It can also be used as a natural shampoo.

When you have the onset of baldness, an application of the powder of this plant can heal you and ensure that you keep your hair.

The plant being rich in phytoestrogens, it helps promote hair regrowth. In addition, for people who have a lot of hair and especially frizzy hair, they can use senégrain to do the treatment from time to time.

In the fight against dandruff, this plant is very effective. You just need to apply a fenugreek-based hair mask which will be able to get rid of all this dandruff.

The 10 amazing benefits of fenugreek

Fenugreek to promote breastfeeding?

It is an herb that is not recommended during pregnancy, but during the period of breastfeeding it can be very effective.

Thanks to the diosgenin it contains, fenugreek has a galactogenic property, which helps stimulate the production of breast milk in new mothers.

Some researchers have proven that consuming three capsules of this herb per day could increase breast milk production in women by up to 500%.

It not only increases the volume of breast milk, but also improves its quality. The baby will then be able to feed and avoid the risk of colic and gas.

Note also that the seeds of the plant could increase breast volumes.

It is also clear that other studies conducted on a limited number of women concluded that fenugreek did not stimulate the production of breast milk (3).

Since every woman has her metabolism, you can try fenugreek to increase your breast milk supply. If that’s okay with you, great. In this case, you will turn to other foods to produce more milk.

To read: The 10 benefits of chia seeds on the body

To have beautiful skin

In ancient times, the use of fenugreek seeds was known to soothe the skin against irritations and skin ailments.

Today the seeds can be used to make a face mask to give skin a glow and good texture.

In addition, they are a good remedy for blackheads that sometimes develop on the face. Fenugreek oil, applied to the face and to the skin, has anti-inflammatory properties, but also helps fight eczema.

To have blemish-free and pimple-free skin, opt for this extraordinary plant. Plus, for some skin conditions, it will cure you and allow you to have the type of skin you’ve always wanted.

Fenugreek seed helps fight against fine lines and wrinkles, and thus fight against aging.

A diuretic

It purifies the body and allows it to eliminate all the toxins provided by drugs and food.

By using senégrain, you can be sure of having an organism that is always clean and that will not be affected by toxins.

In addition, fenugreek is a natural hepato-protector, which means that it effectively protects the faith.

It also helps eliminate toxins that are stored in the kidneys and protect them against diseases such as fatty liver and ethanol poisoning.

Boost Your Immune System With Fenugreek

Fenugreek stimulates the immune system and therefore allows it to react promptly and quickly to various attacks from outside.

In ancient Greece; Dioscorides, physicist, botanist and pharmacologist recommended it to treat vaginal infections and certain inflammations.

In Indian medicine, it is used to treat urinary tract infections, uterine and vaginal infections.

Modern medicine uses it a lot, and the plant has been officially registered in various pharmacopoeias for centuries. On the market, you will find it as a food supplement or powder that you can take often to relieve yourself.

A powerful aphrodisiac

To improve your sexual performance, nothing is more natural than using fenugreek as a natural aphrodisiac.

It increases sexual desire and appetite. In addition, it would fight against frigidity and the risk of sexual impotence. In ancient times, Arabs used it to improve their libido.

Fenugreek to increase the volume of the breast

For athletes who would like to increase the volume of their breasts, the consumption of fenugreek seeds is the best thing to do (4).

For women who would like to increase the volume of their breast, here is one of the natural solutions that you can adopt.

Instead of spending a sizeable amount of money for cosmetic surgery which could have negative effects, why not try this natural solution without side effects.

The seeds of this plant contain nutrients that will stimulate the production of certain sex hormones in women, especially estrogen in the breasts.

Vitamins A and C as well as lecithin will promote the development of tissues and mammary glands.

Although it is true that this plant helps to give volume to your breasts, do not expect a big enough increase at first. The development will be gradual.

Stimulate your appetite with Senegalese

Many chemical solutions are available for people who want to gain weight or who want to regain their appetite.

Unfortunately, these products have side effects and therefore are more or less harmful. On the other hand, if you are looking for a natural solution to have an appetite every time you eat, take fenugreek more often.

It has the property of acting on some of your hormones and therefore stimulating your appetite. In addition, it is a great way to gain weight.

It is natural and without side effects. It is also used in the treatment of many diseases such as anorexia, anemia and in the case of certain digestive disorders.

For athletes or for anyone who would like to increase their muscle volume, the plant is highly recommended.

Give tone to your body

There are many people who suffer from weakness in their body. They feel weak all the time. This is due to the lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body.

Sometimes this situation is due to certain diseases. To have tone, fenugreek seems like a suitable solution.

You can find it in powder or as a food supplement that will allow you to strengthen your whole body. It will allow you to strengthen your muscles and give you energy.

By adding to the consumption of senégrain of the sport and other medicinal plants, you will always be full of energy to face your days.

In Asian culture, this plant is used by many martial arts masters and traditional doctors to restore energy to those in need.

Maintain your cardiovascular system

Today, many people, young and old alike, are exposed to cardiovascular problems from their diet and everyday stress (5).

Fenugreek contains a property called cholesterol lowering which helps protect against all heart problems.

Along with lecithin and the cholesterol-lowering lipid it contains, it helps you regulate the cholesterol level in your blood.

The level of bad cholesterol then decreases in your blood and that of HDL increases. There will be a certain fluidity in the blood circulation, which will allow the breast to nourish the heart system well.

You will therefore be protected against diseases such as cardiovascular accidents, hypertension and hypotension which threaten the lives of many around the world.

Consume this plant as much as possible in order to protect your heart against all these diseases.


Recipes to enlarge your breasts

You will need

  • 200 g of fenugreek seeds
  • ½ cup of water


Grind your fenugreek seeds.

In a utensil, arrange the fenugreek powder obtained. Add your water and mix well.

Leave to rest for 10 minutes. The mixture thickens after the standing time. Apply it on your breasts.

Perform this gesture two to three times a week over 3 months to see the effects.

The 10 amazing benefits of fenugreek
Fenugreek leaves

Fenugreek tea

You will need (6):

  • 2 teaspoons of fenugreek
  • 1 cup
  • 3 tablespoons of tea leaves


Crush the fenugreek seeds

Boil your water in a kettle

Lower the kettle from the heat and add the fenugreek seeds and green tea leaves.

Let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes before serving it to drink.

You can use other herbs (mint, thyme, etc.) instead of tea.

Nutritional value

Tea is the second most consumed drink after water. It is considered an elixir of youth.

Through the multiple flavonoids it contains, tea protects you from cardiovascular disease. Indeed, it thins blood clots, protects the walls of the arteries.

Which obviously has a real impact on your cardiovascular system. For several centuries, physicists have been able to make the correlation in ancient China between the regular consumption of tea and the reduction of hypertension, cardiovascular disease and cholesterol.

Tea also stimulates the activity of your emunctories, that is to say the organs that cleanse your body. By emunctory apparatus mean the kidneys, liver, skin, lungs.

It also stimulates the digestive system being a thinner, an antifungal, an antiviral, an antibacterial and an antimicrobial. Long live tea!

As for fenugreek, it gives you tone and energy. Fenugreek is also a great aphrodisiac. It also stimulates good sleep. You can read all the detailed benefits of fenugreek in the first few lines of this article.

Precautions for use

Fenugreek is without side effects for many people when it is consumed as food. In India fenugreek leaves are eaten as a vegetable.

Some people can’t stand the smell of fenugreek. However, do not miss the benefits that this food offers you because of the sensitivity of your sense of smell. Combine fenugreek with other foods to minimize its odor that might bother you.

Side effects of fenugreek can be bloating, diarrhea, gas, and a strong smell of urine.

You may also have allergic reactions following an overdose: swollen face, nasal congestion, cough.

Talk to your doctor before consuming fenugreek for medicine. Fenugreek lowers the level of blood sugar in your body.

Indeed if you consume fenugreek while you are undergoing diabetic treatments, your blood sugar level will drop abnormally.

If you are taking blood thinners or coagulants, talk to your doctor before using fenugreek for medicinal purposes. He would have interactions with these drugs.

Check your health regularly to avoid the risk of bleeding.

Do not consume fenugreek if you have just had an operation or are planning to have medical surgery within the next two weeks.

Fenugreek also interacts with aspirin, motrine, and other ibuprofens.

Fenugreek is very beneficial for the health of women especially those who are breastfeeding. However, avoid excess, and consume it more as a food and not as a dietary supplement. More than 1500 mg per day of fenugreek is sufficient if you are breast-feeding.

If you are allergic to grains and nuts, watch out for fenugreek. You could develop allergies because this food is from the fabaceae family just like peas, soybeans.

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Fenugreek can be consumed in several ways. Whether it is to thicken your sauces, add it to your recipes and more, it meets that perfectly.

For vegetarians, I recommend cooking your meals with fenugreek leaves. In India fenugreek leaves are generally added to dishes, salads, yogurt. Sauté the fenugreek leaves.

For health concerns, you can consume fenugreek leaves or seeds. Refer to the usual precautions before consuming fenugreek for medical purposes.

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