Cleansing the liver: 9 natural solutions to purify it

The liver filters the absorbed toxins, synthesizes essential proteins and serves as a storage place for our energy reserves and vitamins of all kinds. It is therefore a master organ of metabolism and of the body in general.

However, we do not take great care of it. Stress, dietary imbalances, alcohol, drug treatments… the causes of liver dysfunction can be numerous.

Fortunately, there are many foods that allow you to maintain it by purging it of the waste that it accumulates daily. Here are the 9 best solutions for a successful liver cleanse.

1- Garlic and onions

They are rich in allicin, an organic compound with multiple benefits. It was in 2009 that two researchers, V. Vaidya, K. Ingold and D. Pratt, demonstrated the action of allicin. By breaking down naturally, it reacts with free radicals: it quickly binds to them, thus inhibiting their toxicity.

Garlic and onions (try onion juice) therefore have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal properties. As much to say to you that to carry out a deep cleansing of your engorged liver, you have come to the right place.

Note that to retain all of its virtues, garlic must be eaten raw. So think about adding a little to your salads. The more adventurous can indulge in tasting a fresh pod of this superfood before going to sleep. I guarantee the effects on your health, not on your married life!

2- the dandelion

While dandelion leaves are good for the kidneys, at the level of the liver, it is its root that interests us. It has choleretic and cholagogue properties. Kezako? These technical terms relate to bile production. On the one hand, this production is boosted, on the other hand, the bile is more easily evacuated into the intestine.

Thus stimulated, the liver disintegrates and eliminates toxins more easily. So, do you still think of dandelions as weeds?

You can get dried dandelion root: pour 4 grams of it in a cup of hot water and give this powder time to dissolve, stirring well. To be taken 3 times a day for your cure to be effective.

To read: The 8 best natural anti-inflammatories

3- honey

Honey helps to thicken and strengthen the tissues of the liver which, in case of malnutrition, can be covered with fat. This will thus be more easily eliminated and its storage will decrease. As an antioxidant, honey also purifies your liver by ridding it of the toxins that clog it.

Use organic honey that you know where it comes from. In the supermarket, honey is generally more like highly refined liquid sugar than real natural nectar! Ideally, choose thistle or dandelion honey instead (yes, he does not let us go that one!).

Cleansing the liver: 9 natural solutions to purify it
This is where your liver is

4- Cabbages

To self-regulate, the liver naturally produces enzymes: alkaline phosphatases and gamma-GT. They are real liver detoxifiers. They are also found in high quantities in a blood test in the event of a diseased liver: their abnormal increase is a strong signal, an alarm bell sounded by the body.

Cauliflower, white cabbage, broccoli and virtually all cruciferous vegetables have the ability to activate these cleansing enzymes.

They also prevent the appearance of carcinogenic cells in the liver. Doubly beneficial, therefore!

5- black radish

Him, he combines everything we are looking for!

1: It stimulates the two enzymes that I have just presented to you, thus promoting the secretion of the ball which is essential for a good evacuation of waste from the liver to the intestine.

2: It has a diuretic effect. Urine breaks become more regular and so the elimination of toxins is done almost continuously. Rich in fiber, it also promotes intestinal transit.

3: It has a high content of antioxidants. It will therefore repair and protect the liver cells that make you look bad!

If you have recently forced on alcohol, paracetamol or sweets, black radish comes to your rescue as well raw in your salads as in the form of sprouted seeds, or even in very fresh juice!

6- Beet

Any self-respecting detox diet includes a little beetroot juice at the end of the day. Rich in iron in betanin, beet has important anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties in the liver (and not only!).

Iron allows red blood cells to regenerate more easily and thus fight against cancer cells. (try beet juice)

Beets are also packed with antioxidants: beta-carotene, carotenoids, flavonoids. The latter make war, as we have seen, against free radicals, responsible for various liver diseases.

I am thinking in particular of the fatty liver syndrome (no need to draw you a picture), which is benign in the short term but sooner or later proves to be dangerous for health, with risks of cirrhosis, increased fatigue and repeated abdominal pain.

Read: The 15 Best Probiotics (Healthy & Natural)

7- Fruits

All fruits contain pectin: a soluble fiber that eliminates heavy metals and the chemical or drug residues that clog the liver from the body.

Cigarette smoke, lead from paint, gas from exhaust pipes, mercury from dental fillings, pesticides, cosmetics are some examples of harmful substances that stay in our liver, patiently waiting to be evacuated.

Fruit pectin plays this role wonderfully, it is called a chelating agent. For the technical side: it is by binding to the waste that the chelator neutralizes them by stabilizing them electrically. It thus allows the body to easily eliminate them.

Citrus fruits combine this benefit with antioxidant virtues that they derive in particular from the malic acid which composes them. Their remarkable purifying capacities make them the daily food of choice to preserve your liver functions over the long term.

Special mention for grapefruit which, thanks to its antioxidant naringin, easily breaks down and expels saturated fatty acids that clog the liver after the holidays.

Cleansing the liver: 9 natural solutions to purify it

8- The lawyer

Avocado is one of the fattest fruits. To help the liver, it is a little paradoxical you will say to me? Well no ! These are mainly Omega 9, which will help you to calm your small appetites (yes, those where you type in sweet cookies and aperitif crisps!)

In addition, avocado helps your liver to produce one of its essential antioxidants: glutathione. The avocado will therefore decongest it thoroughly, not overnight but after a few weeks. One avocado a day is the best!

9- Turmeric

The last of our hepatic drainers, and not the least!

Curcumin is a xenobiotic: it fights foreign substances. More precisely, it accelerates their decomposition into soluble derivatives: an essential step before their elimination by the liver in urine or faeces. In other words, you are going to be spending quite a bit of time on the throne. The benefits of turmeric on liver health are therefore almost immediate!

Bonus: organic turmeric also has anti-inflammatory properties. These will be of great help to you, especially if you regularly drink alcohol because it is particularly irritating to liver cells. And who says irritation, of course, means healing.

However, scar tissue does not have the same properties as normal liver tissue, so your liver works slowly. It is this slowdown that curcumin allows you to avoid. A little far-fetched I grant you, but true!

To conclude

If you’ve been bingeing lately, all is not lost! The liver being a filter, it has amazing restorative capacities and will know how to cooperate if you start to pamper it. It’s never too late to do it right.

To rebalance your diet, start by drastically reducing your consumption of fatty and sugary products if you find it excessive. Then incorporate the foods from the above list into your diet, always keeping one thing in mind.

Certainly, they can be very effective as a cure, but above all you must incorporate them into your daily diet. Yes, it is not enough to eat well for a few days, it is by taking care of your liver in a constant way that we avoid the big pips!


Take care of your liver (part 1)

Safe and Successful Liver Cleanse in 24 Hours – Get Rid of Over 1000 Gallstones (Literally)

Detoxification: some foods to cleanse your liver

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