Testimony: “I gave birth at 17”

Now 46 years old, I have a 29 year old big boy, which suggests that I had my son when I was 17 years old. I got pregnant as a result of an ongoing relationship with my boyfriend for a year. I was scared because I did not really understand what was going on in my body and did not perceive the upheavals that this event involved.

My parents immediately made an appointment with a gynecologist with a view to having an abortion. The fate wanted that I “fall” on a very “conservative” doctor who, in private, enumerated me the risks which I run (in particular the risk of infertility). Following this interview, I stood up to my parents and imposed on them my will to keep the child.

My son is my pride, the fight of my life and a very balanced child, very sociable… However, at the beginning, it was not won. Driven by a great deal of guilt (which my mother greatly helped to maintain), I left school immediately after the announcement of my condition. We were “obliged” to get married. So I found myself a housewife, living in a village, with my house and the daily visits I made to my parents for only occupations.

“I have never strayed from my child”

The idea of ​​divorce came to me quickly, with the desire to find an activity. I studied a lot, maybe to forget that I was not up to raising my son on my own, as my mother had suggested to me for years. But I never strayed from my child so far: daily care was her, but her education was me. I also took care of his needs, his hobbies, visits to the doctor, vacations, school …

Despite this, I believe that my son had a happy childhood, with a lot of love, although I could have been faint at times. He had a relatively calm adolescence and he had an honorable education: bac S, college and now he is a physiotherapist. I have a very good relationship with him today.

As for me, I had a lot of trouble finding my balance. After many years of psychoanalysis, I am now a fulfilled woman, graduate (DESS), part of the territorial public service, but at the cost of hard work and unfailing pugnacity.

Looking back, my regrets are absolutely not about the choice I made to have a child at 17. No, today I have bitter memories of my marriage and the relationship I had at the time with my mother. The debasement I was in and the difficulty I had to get out of it gave me, at the same time, a strength to live that I might not otherwise have had.

Where are the fathers in history?

Do you want to talk about it between parents? To give your opinion, to bring your testimony? We meet on https://forum.parents.fr. 

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