Teeth braces. Types of orthodontic appliances, price

Modern dental braces can really do wonders. Straight and even teeth are not only a radiant smile. It is also about well-being and health

Today, the characteristic braces are worn by everyone – children and adults, actors, singers, TV presenters, businessmen. Orthodontic treatment is more and more often chosen by people aged 30-40 and no one is surprised, because nice teeth have become synonymous with elegance and good style. It is never too late to correct a malocclusion.

Modern orthodontics offers patients braces for teeth, more or less visible. The choice depends on individual needs and the wealth of the wallet, as orthodontic treatment is not reimbursed by the National Health Fund.

What is an orthodontic appliance?

The orthodontic appliance is used to treat malocclusion and straighten permanent teeth. The mechanism of operation of the device is based on the third law of Newton’s dynamics – the device exerts a constant force on the teeth and thus corrects their position. The first orthodontic appliance was a metal, silver or gold stripe placed over the outer arch. It was invented in 1723 by the French surgeon and dentist Pierre Fauchard.

When should an orthodontic appliance be worn?

Orthodontic appliances are due to malocclusion – genetic or acquired. The cause of acquired defects is the consolidation of improper habits in childhood, such as biting nails, sucking the cheeks or sucking the thumb. Malocclusion that can be treated with braces include Undershot bite, undershot bite, open bite, deep bite, crowded teeth and gaps in the teeth.

About 60% of adults have various malocclusions. Many adults have undershot bites, which is a condition in which the function of the jaw extension is impaired. The second most common malocclusion in adults is mesiocclusion, a symptom of which is a posterior displacement of the lower dental arch. Orthodontic braces may also be caused by headaches, neck pains, pain in the temporomandibular joint, and speech problems.

What are the contraindications for wearing braces?

Usually, orthodontic appliances, both fixed and removable, should not be worn by people suffering from diseases resulting from lowering the immunity of the immune system. The device can also harm people with inflammation in the oral cavity, people with dental pulp diseases, diabetes, periodontal disease and endocrine disorders. They should also not be worn by pregnant women, as orthodontic treatment often requires X-ray examinations.

Removable orthodontic appliance

The device corrects small and medium teeth defects. It serves, among others for the treatment of gaps between teeth or tooth misalignment. Removable braces are designed with a specific malocclusion in mind, and to make the device, it is necessary to take an impression beforehand. It is suitable for the treatment of the upper or lower dental arch, but it cannot correct every malocclusion, as in some cases it is not precise enough.

The removable braces are made of an acrylic plate, steel screws and a spring. Sometimes it may contain rubber extracts. In order to induce a specific therapeutic effect, the screws in the apparatus should be tightened. The device sits on the palate or the alveolar process of the mandible and is only effective if used regularly.

  1. What does orthodontic treatment look like with the use of a removable orthodontic appliance?

During the first consultation, the orthodontist assesses the condition of the patient’s teeth and makes a diagnosis of the malocclusion. An impression is also made to make the diagnostic model. Then, based on the X-ray and an interview, the orthodontist sets up a treatment plan and consults it with the parent. The device does not take long to be made and the patient usually receives it on the second visit. The orthodontist also discusses with the parent how to use the braces and at what times the child should wear it.

Removable braces should be worn for approx. 12-14 hours. To get the desired result, it should also be on the teeth at night. The first effects of wearing a removable appliance are visible after 2 months. The duration of the entire therapy is approx. 2 years, but it may be extended to 4 years. The best results from wearing a removable appliance are obtained by children who use the appliance before puberty.

  1. How to take care of a removable orthodontic appliance?

People using removable orthodontic appliances should take care of both proper oral hygiene and the appliance itself. Failure to do so may result in stomatitis, caries and halitosis due to the increased amount of S. Mutans and Candida in the oral cavity. An uncleaned orthodontic appliance is susceptible to microbial attack, which can then enter the mouth.

Removable braces should be washed every day, preferably right after taking it out of the mouth. You can use an ordinary toothbrush and toothpaste – but it is worth choosing a special brush for cleaning appliances, because it has soft bristles that do not scratch the acrylic surface of the camera. To make sure that the device is washed thoroughly, you should also use a special toothpaste for cleaning orthodontic appliances.

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of removable braces?

The child can be removed and put on the camera at any time. The removable apparatus does not hinder oral hygiene and causes little pain while wearing it. However, the use of such a device extends the duration of the entire therapy, especially when the orthodontist’s recommendations are not followed. The device cannot be used by people with infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Fixed orthodontic appliance

The fixed orthodontic appliance, unlike the removable model, cannot be easily removed at any time. It is also used to correct more serious malocclusions. It creates a force that acts on individual teeth and bones and, as a result, makes them move. Fixed braces therapy lasts from 2 to 3 years, but younger people usually have to wear it for a shorter period of time.

Permanent braces consist of brackets, arch and rings. The brackets are glued to the outside or inside of the teeth. They are also made of various materials, and each model has a different attachment to the teeth. Metal locks are the most commonly used. The arch of a fixed orthodontic appliance supports the ligature or tabs in the self-ligating bracket. The rings are elements made of metal that hold the bow and act as an attachment point for the intermaxillary lifts.

  1. What is the treatment with the use of a fixed orthodontic appliance?

During the first visit, the orthodontist examines the patient’s malocclusion. He then carries out a dental examination, takes an impression of the teeth and sometimes may order an X-ray image to help in developing a treatment plan. Before the braces are installed, the teeth must be cleaned of tartar, plaque and sometimes discoloration. Sometimes it is necessary to remove single teeth, e.g. eights.

Putting the braces on usually takes place during two visits, although it is not uncommon to put two braces in one session. First, rings are fixed on the molars, and then on the remaining teeth, brackets are put on – this is necessary to prevent abrasion on the inside of the lips. The procedure is painless, but takes about 2 hours.

Once the orthodontic appliance is in place, the orthodontist instructs the patient on how to use the appliance and care for oral hygiene. Patients usually receive a special ointment, which is applied to some parts of the apparatus, which prevents irritation of the mucosa. Users of fixed orthodontic appliances must attend follow-up visits every few weeks (from 4 to 8) in order for the doctor to assess the condition of the ligatures and arches.

  1. How to take care of a fixed orthodontic appliance?

In the past, patients who were wearing orthodontic braces could not eat anything immediately after the procedure for several hours. Thanks to the continuous development of orthodontics and dentistry, patients can eat their first meal right after leaving the orthodontic office, but still have to follow certain rules and properly use the orthodontic appliance – both removable and fixed.

In the first days after setting up the device, do not eat fruit, vegetables and dishes that require grinding. In the later diet, when the discomfort has passed, you should give up dishes that may get stuck between the wires of the apparatus, such as dragging sweets, nuts, chewing gums and products containing grains. The orthodontic appliance consists of delicate parts that can be easily damaged by hard food products.

An important element of taking care of fixed braces is the use of proper oral hygiene. Many oral care professionals believe that the first priority is to use a dental irrigator. The device allows you to rinse food out of hard-to-reach places in the mouth and loosens the plaque accumulating there. The use of interdental brushes and dental floss will also help.

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of fixed braces?

One of the main advantages of wearing a fixed orthodontic appliance is improving the aesthetics of the bite and improving the smileu – after the treatment, the teeth line is smoothed out and the crowding is reduced. Thanks to this, the patient can better carry out daily oral hygiene and clean the enamel better, and thus protect the teeth against caries and occlusal injuries. In addition, an aesthetic smile improves mood and often increases self-esteem.

Fixed orthodontic appliances make everyday hygiene difficult. There are many nooks and crannies within the teeth where plaque is deposited that is difficult to remove with regular brushing. In order to properly care for a fixed orthodontic appliance, it is sometimes necessary to buy special devices – and this is an additional cost. People who do not maintain proper oral hygiene, who have fixed orthodontic braces, have caries in their teeth faster.

What should you know before buying an orthodontic appliance?

A patient who is fitted with an orthodontic appliance should have healthy teeth. This means that all cavities must be filled, scaling and sandblasting are also recommended. To assess the condition of the teeth, the orthodontist will also order X-rays. It is also worth knowing in advance how much it costs to install both fixed and removable braces and how to properly care for oral hygiene.

In the case of patients under the age of 12, orthodontic treatment is financed by the National Health Fund. Still, fixed orthodontic appliances are not funded. The cost of purchasing an appliance is an individual matter due to the fact that each patient has different requirements and only the orthodontist is able to assess the condition of the dentition and what treatment will be necessary and what will be its cost.

The cost of purchasing a camera depends on its type. In the case of braces with a metal arch, the price can reach around PLN 2 or even PLN 4 for one arch (in the case of a self-ligating apparatus). Compulsory control visits are also payable – the cost of one of them ranges from 60 to 100 PLN. If the cost of purchasing a fixed appliance is too high, you can divide the payment into installments.

Worth knowing

When is the first time to visit an orthodontist with a child?

If your child is developing properly, it’s best to go to the orthodontist in the age of 6, when the first permanent teeth begin to erupt. The doctor will decide if there are any defects in the shape of the jaw and if they need to be corrected. Depending on the type of defect, it can correct the correction immediately or schedule the next visit in a year or two or after the front teeth are replaced.

Braces for permanent and removable teeth

Removable tooth braces are offered to children who have milk or mixed teeth. They should be worn 12-14 hours a day for 1,5-2 years. Such devices are mainly used to remove defects in the jaws, and the teeth straighten only to a small extent. If the child has crooked teeth, after removing the malocclusion (using a removable appliance), a fixed appliance is placed, intended for straightening the teeth.

This type of appliances is used for permanent dentition. They can be used to make the smallest aesthetic corrections, but also to heal a severe defect within the jaw, e.g. to stimulate the width of the jaw (then individually made metal structures with acrylic elements are placed only on the side teeth). The most popular are permanent straightening braces, which are glued to the outer surfaces of all teeth (outer).

Teeth braces. Price and types of cameras for adults

Classic. They are glued to the outer surfaces of all teeth. Every standard camera is constructed the same. It consists of brackets (cubes made of metal, porcelain, crystal or composite), rings or tubes and arches (metal or coated with Teflon, silicone). Metal braces (titanium or metal alloys) are the most visible. Ceramic and crystal teeth appliances are similar in color to the teeth or transparent.

Teeth braces – price of individual appliances: metal braces – from 2,5 to 3,5 thousand, porcelain-composite – from 3,5 to 4,5 thousand, crystal – from 4.5 to 5,5 thousand. (both dental arches), you need to add the cost of follow-up visits (from 200 to 500 PLN).

Lingual (linguistic). They resemble classic braces, the difference is that they are glued on the inside of the teeth. They have the advantage over external cameras that you cannot see them from the outside, but they are much more expensive than them, and it usually takes longer to get used to the camera than with external cameras. This type of apparatus causes temporary speech problems and hinders hygiene.

Not everyone can assume a standard language apparatus. That is why the linguistic apparatus is often designed individually, selecting standard brackets used in internal appliances to the computer image of the patient’s teeth and bite. However, since the teeth are less homogeneous on the inside than on the outside, sometimes the brackets also have to be made to order. An exclusive braces with gold brackets made entirely individually using advanced computer techniques.

Price: from 8 to 16 thousand. (two arches) plus the cost of follow-up visits.

Invisalign. These are transparent overlays that tightly fit the teeth. They need to be replaced every 2 weeks. They are very comfortable, but they only work for small defects. The aligners are removed during a meal and brushing your teeth. This makes it easier to maintain oral hygiene than in the case of fixed appliances. The disadvantage of this method is the prolonged treatment time, which results from the incorrect wearing of overlays and the possibility of their discoloration.

Price: from 10 to 19 thousand. (full cost of treatment – apparatus and follow-up visits).

Self ligating. Thanks to the modern structure of the brackets, they allow the use of much lower, but the same force during the entire treatment period while straightening the teeth than in conventional braces. This reduces the discomfort associated with treatment, shortens its time and lengthens the intervals between check-ups. In many disadvantages, they allow treatment without removing the teeth. They are the only ones that can widen the smile (the position of the teeth changes the position of the soft tissues, the teeth support the cheeks and lips more).

Price: from 5 to 6 thousand. plus the cost of follow-up visits.

insignia. Modern custom-made external appliances, just like lingual appliances. Arches and brackets are computer programmed for a specific patient, taking into account the shape of the teeth. The computer also visualizes the effects of the treatment. The advantage of the device is the reduction of treatment time by 2-25%. (on average, treatment with such an apparatus lasts 1.5 years).

Price: from 6,5 to 7,5 thousand. (two arches) plus cost of follow-up visits.

(The first visit to an orthodontist costs about PLN 250, a set of retention devices – from PLN 850 to PLN 1,5 thousand)

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1 Comment

  1. je maumivu baada ya kufunga braces huisha baada ya muda gan na kumfany mtu aweze kula vzuri bila shda?!

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