Healing power of herbs. Rhododendron

Rhododendron is an evergreen plant that belongs to the same family as azaleas and represents 800 species. It grows in warm climates all over the world from Nepal to West Virginia. Infusion of golden rhododendron (another name is kashkara) is curative in various conditions. It is worth noting that some types of rhododendron are toxic to both humans and animals. Italian researchers at the University of Padua studied the composition of the essential oil of the species Rhododendron anthopogon (Azalea). Compounds have been noted that have shown significant suppression of bacterial strains such as Staphylococcus aureus, fecal enterococcus, hay bacillus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Candida fungi. The same Italian study that discovered the antimicrobial properties of Rhododendron established the ability of the plant to stop the growth of cancer cells. An additional study in April 2010 reported the ability of rhododendron compounds to exhibit selective cytotoxic activity against the human hepatoma cell line. Patients with atopic dermatitis often have elevated levels of eosinophils and pro-inflammatory factors. Researchers at the Chinese University investigated root extracts of Rhododendron spiky locally or injected in animals with atopic dermatitis. There was a significant decrease in the level of eosinophils and other inflammatory markers. A study by Tongji Medical University in China also found beneficial effects of rhododendron root extract on kidney function. A subsequent study in India also confirmed the plant’s hepatoprotective properties.

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