strength training for women with dumbbells: a detailed plan + exercises

If you have dumbbells of different weights, then work on the muscles you can even at home.

We offer you an effective plan strength training for women at home + ready selection of exercises thanks to which you will be able to change the quality of the body, making it firm and raised.

Rules for strength training at home

Why girls need strength training:

  • to tone muscles and get rid of sagging body
  • for round buttocks and getting rid of cellulite
  • for strong muscles and a healthy spine
  • to speed up metabolism (muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat)

1. To perform strength-training at home you will need a dumbbell. It is desirable to have a set of dumbbells of different weights or collapsible dumbbells. For example, for small muscle groups (triceps, biceps, deltas) you need a lighter weight dumbbells for major muscle groups (chest, back, legs) – heavier weight. In addition, gradually, you will be required bonlichi weight dumbbells to progress in training.

2. What weight of dumbbells to use? It depends on your goals. If you want to bring the muscles in tone and tighten the body, it is possible to use light weight dumbbells (2-5 kg). If you want to seriously work on the terrain or build muscle mass, the weight of the dumbbells you need to take more (5-20 kg).

3. If you have a small dumbbell, you can perform exercises that are usedona larger number of repetitions (15-20 reps). In this case, there is a work on light muscle tone, strengthen the body and fat burning. If you have heavy dumbbells and you want to work on the relief of muscle, then follow a small number of repetitions (10-12 reps) with a maximum weight of: so that the last repetition of the approach was performed at maximum effort.

4. Each exercise do 3-5 approaches, between sets rest 30-60 seconds. Between exercises rest 2-3 minutes.

5. If you don’t have dumbbells or no opportunity to buy them, then you can use rubber equipment to perform strength exercises. You can purchase very compact and inexpensive equipment, for example:

  • Fitness elastic band for thighs and buttocks
  • Tubular expander, for strength exercises
  • Elastic band strength exercises and stretching

Even if you have the necessary set of dumbbells, this equipment can be useful for the additional load.

6. If you are just beginning to exercise or have little experience, you can look at these articles:

  • Exercise for beginners: a selection of exercises + plans
  • Home workout for women: a plan of exercises for the whole body

7. To do strength training, you need 3-4 times a week for 40-60 minutes. Enough to train one muscle group 1-2 times a week. A detailed plan is presented below.

8. Make sure to do the warm-up before training and stretching after a workout:

  • Warm-up before training: a selection of exercises
  • Stretching after a workout: a selection of exercises

During stretches especially pay attention to exercising muscle. Good stretching after a workout helps to increase range of motion, increase efficiency classes, avoid rigid muscles and injuries. A good warm-up before training will better prepare your body for training and avoid injury.

9. If you want to bring the muscles in tone, but also to speed up the process of weight-loss, be sure to include in the training plan cardio workout. It could be Jogging, fast walking, TABATA training, the elliptical, or ellipsoidal. It is enough to perform cardio 60-90 minutes a week (e.g., 2 times per week for 30-45 minutes, or 4 times a week for 15-20 minutes). Must see:

  • Cardio-training: exercise + plan

10. Always do strength training in running shoes in order to avoid joint problems and varicose veins. Wear comfortable clothes made of natural materials. In the case of varicose veins you can use compression stockings.

  • Top 20 best womens running shoes

11. Without changing the diet is impossible to improve the body even with regular exercise, therefore we recommend to start counting calories. If you want to lose weight, you must eat a deficit of calories. If you want to gain muscle mass, you must eat a surplus of calories and sufficient protein. If you want to save weight and to pull the body, then choose the option “support weight”.

  • Proper nutrition: how to start step by step

Plan strength workouts for girls at home

If you want to tone the body or build muscle mass, it is recommended to do strength training at home 3-4 times a week. The most effective are a split workout in which you train different muscle groups on the following principle:

  • Back + biceps (“pull” muscles). During exercise on your back also involves the biceps of the hands, so it is logical to perform these muscle groups together. They can be added to crunches, if time permits.
  • Chest + triceps (pushing muscles). During the exercises on the chest, the work included the triceps, so these two muscle groups often train together. Also on this day, you can additionally work the deltoid muscles (shoulders), because they also get the load during exercise on the triceps.
  • Feet (this includes the gluteal muscles). Usually for the legs a separate day, but you may also train deltoids (shoulders) or press. If need more emphasis on the thighs or buttocks, you can train legs 2 times a week.
  • Shoulders (deltoid muscles). On the shoulders it is possible to allocate a separate day (including abdominal exercises). But most of the girls add exercises for shoulder to the leg muscles or the chest muscles and triceps.
  • Press (muscular system). To select a single day on the abdominal muscles does not make sense. You can train them at the end of each session 5-10 minutes, or add a full set of exercises in the least busy day of training.

Based on this principle and the number of training days per week, you can choose from several options of classes. Below are the plan weight training for girls and exercises with dumbbells.

TOP 50 coaches on YouTube: our selection

Strength training 3 times a week

Option 1:

  • Day 1: Back and biceps + Press
  • Day 2: Legs + Shoulders + Press
  • Day 3: Chest and triceps + Press

In this case, the workout will end with a short segment to press for 5-10 minutes.

Option 2:

  • Day 1: Back and biceps + Press
  • Day 2: Legs
  • Day 3: Chest and triceps + Shoulders

Because feet are often a problem area with girls, it is possible to allocate a separate day just for the thighs and buttocks and exercises for the upper body to distribute for 2 days.

Weight training 4 times a week

Option 1:

  • Day 1: Back and biceps
  • Day 2: Legs
  • Day 3: Chest and triceps
  • Day 4: Shoulders + Press

Option 2:

  • Day 1: Back and biceps
  • Day 2: Legs + Shoulders
  • Day 3: Chest and triceps
  • Day 4: Legs + Press

The second option is suitable for those who want more intensive work on the formation of elastic thighs and buttocks.

Weight training 5 times a week

Option 1:

  • Day 1: Back and biceps
  • Day 2: Legs + Press
  • Day 3: Chest and triceps
  • Day 4: Shoulders + Press
  • Day 5: Legs

Option 2:

  • Day 1: Legs + Press
  • Day 2: Back and biceps
  • Day 3: Legs + Press
  • Day 4: Chest and triceps + Shoulders
  • Day 5: Legs + Press

The second option is suitable for those who want more intensive work on the formation of elastic thighs and buttocks.

Strength exercises for girls at home

Offer a selection of strength exercises for girls at home on all muscle groups. The article States the number of repetitions but you can increase them if you’re doing with light weight dumbbells. Rest between sets 30-60 seconds between exercises, 2-3 minutes. If any strength exercises you find it hard to perform with dumbbells (e.g., for feet), you are the first time to train without dumbbells.

The figures mean 5 x 10-12 5 sets of 10-12 reps.

Exercises for chest and triceps

1. Push-UPS (3 x 8-10)

Or push-UPS from knees:

2. Breeding hands with dumbbells (4 x 10-12)

If you don’t have a platform or bench, you can connect two stools or chairs. If suitable furniture is not, you can perform on the floor.

3. Dumbbell bench press from the chest (4 x 10-12)

4. Pushups for triceps (3 x 10-12)

5. Bench press for triceps (5 x 10-12)

6. Lead hands on the triceps (4 x 10-12)

Exercises for back and biceps

1. Dumbbell deadlifts (5 x 10-12)

2. Deadlift (5 x 10-12)

3. Pull the dumbbell with one hand (4 x 10-12 each arm)

4. Bending of hands on a biceps (5 x 10-12)

Any Bending of the arms at the biceps with the change of hands (5 x 10-12)

5. Bending of hands on a biceps with a hammer grip (5 x 10-12)

If you have a bar, then start training back and biceps with pull-UPS. Even if you are not able to catch up and have never done this, be sure to check our article with step by step instruction on pull-UPS:

How to learn to catch up + technique

Exercises for the shoulders (deltoid muscles)

If you train shoulders with chest and triceps or just do not want particularly strongly to train this muscle group, leave only the exercise number 1,3,4 or reduce the number of approaches.

1. Dumbbell bench press for shoulders (4 x 10-12)

2. Lifts hands in front of him (4 x 10-12)

3. Breeding hand in hand (4 x 10-12)

4. Lift the dumbbells to your chest (4 x 10-12)

5. Raising the hands in the slope (4 x 10-12)

Exercises for legs and buttocks

We offer you 2 selections strength exercises for the legs: more simple version and more complex. Can only choose one option according to your level of training, and can mix the exercises on your own, or you can alternate both between different days.

Option 1 for beginners:

1. Squat with dumbbells (5 x 10-12)

2. Lunge in place (4 x 10-12 on each leg)

3. Lunges back (4 x 10-12 on each leg)

4. Swing leg with a dumbbell (4 x 10-12 on each leg)

5. Side lunge (4 x 10-12 on each leg)

Option 2 for the advanced:

1. Squat with dumbbells (5 x 10-12)

2. Forward lunges (4 x 10-12 on each leg)

3. Sumo squat (5 x 10-12)

4. Bulgarian lunges (4 x 10-12 on each leg)

5. The bridge on one leg (5 x 10-12)

6. Diagonal lunges (4 x 10-12 on each leg)

Exercises on press

Depending on the time that is allotted to you on the exercises you can perform only for 1 round or to change the number of repetitions.

Round 1:

1. Curl (3 x 12-15)

2. Plank on elbows (3 x 40-60 seconds)

3. Bike (3 x 12-15 each side)

4. Swimmer (3 x 12-15 each side)

5. Double crunches (3 x 12-15)

6. Touch shoulders in the strap (3 x 10-12 each side)

Round 2:

1. Leg raises (3 x 12-15)

2. Spider (3 x 8-10 per side)

3. Boat (3 x 10-12)

4. Superman (3 x 15-17)

5. Russian twist (3 x 12-15 each side)

6. Side plank (2 x 10-12 each side)

7. Scissors (3 x 12-15 each side)

Thanks for the gifs youtube channels: Live Fit Girl, HASfit, nourishmovelove, Linda Wooldridge, Lais DeLeon, amynicolaox, Noel Arevalo, FitnessType, Selena Lim, Puzzle-Fit, LLC.

Strength training at home: videos

For those who like to train for the finished video, we recommend you to watch the program from HASfit.

1. Strength training for 60 minutes (for muscle groups)

60 Minute Total Body Strength Workout with Weights - Weight Strength Training for Women Men at Home

2. Strength training for 40 minutes (combined exercise)

40 Min Total Body Workout with Weights - Dumbbell Training Strength Workout at Home for Women & Men

3. Strength training for 50 minutes (combined exercise)

50 Min Full Body Workout with Dumbbells - Total Body Strength Workout with Weights at Home Training

See also:

  • All about the fitness bracelets: what is selection inexpensive fitness bracelets
  • Top 20 exercises for muscle tone with dumbbells by Heather Robertson
  • Top 20 cardiovascular exercises for weight loss youtube channel Popsugar

For tone and muscle growth, dumbbells, weight training

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