Color therapy in Ayurveda

Based on the concept of the three gunas, healing colors should be sattvic (corresponding to the mode of goodness), that is, natural, moderate and harmonious. These colors calm the mind. The colors of the rajas guna (the guna of passion) are bright and saturated, they excite, so they should be used only in order to obtain the appropriate effect. The guna of tamas (the guna of ignorance) includes dull and gloomy colors, such as marsh, dark gray and black. These colors are good only for hyperactive people, and even then they have a depressing effect even in large quantities. In addition, color affects the balance of the three doshas. Properly selected colors of clothes and objects around us are the key to inner harmony.  Color dosha Vata The main qualities of this dosha are coldness and dryness. You can harmonize it with warm colors: red, orange and yellow. The ideal color for Vata is light yellow: it calms the nervous system, increases concentration, improves sleep and appetite. Excessively bright colors and strong contrasts overstimulate already active Vata, but dark colors are good for grounding. Pitta dosha color Due to the presence of the element of fire, this dosha is characterized by heat and aggressiveness, so Vata colors are absolutely not suitable for Pitta. Pitta is harmonized by “cooling” colors: blue, blue, green and lavender. The best color is blue – it perfectly calms and slows down hyper-emotional Pitta. Color dosha Kapha Kapha is an inactive dosha, cold colors slow it down even more. And bright and warm colors, such as gold, red, orange and purple, help overcome natural laziness, make you want to do something, and also improve blood circulation and metabolism. Translation: Lakshmi

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