Sowing calendar of the summer resident for the third week of May

We will tell you what work can be done at the summer cottage in the third week of May.

13 May 2017

May 15 – Waning Moon.

Sign: Capricorn.

Planting trees, shrubs, flowers, as well as seedlings of mid-season, late white cabbage and cauliflower.

May 16 – Waning Moon.

Sign: Capricorn.

Weeding and thinning of seedlings. Loosening dry soil. Spraying plants from pests and diseases.

May 17 – Waning Moon.

Sign: Aquarius.

Grassing greenhouse tomatoes. Weeding and loosening the soil. Thinning and trimming hedges.

May 18 – Waning Moon.

Sign: Aquarius.

Spraying plants from pests and diseases. Thinning of seedlings. Cutting out the growth.

May 19 – Waning Moon.

Sign: Pisces.

Application of organic fertilizers. Watering and trimming hedges. Lawn mowing.

May 20 – Waning Moon.

Sign: Pisces.

Watering and feeding lawns. Sowing early ripening root crops. Pruning, hedge trimming, overgrowth removal.

May 21 – Waning Moon.

Sign: Aries.

Watering and feeding the lawn, loosening the soil, applying organic fertilizers. Cutting of diseased, damaged branches, cutting off the growth of trees and shrubs. Re-sowing herbs and green vegetables.

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