Gift to lovers of yoga workouts! We offer you 6 lessons in Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga from the group of coaches The Yoga Collective that will appeal to a wide range of involved people.

The Yoga Collective is a group of professional yoga instructorswho create videos for online classes. They released lots of lessons are totally different types of yoga for both beginner level and advanced.

Following is an overview of the six programs of yoga which are suitable for advanced student. Each of the following training can be attributed to the direction of the Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga.

1. Travis Eliot – Power Yoga Flow-20 min

Want to improve your endurance, flexibility, balance and strength? If at least one of these characteristics are important to you, then try the Power Yoga Flow. The biggest advantage of the program is that it lasts only 20 minutes.

Travis notes that the short duration of the lesson will not lead to loss of quality. But it will help you to regularly practice yoga even in the absence of time. You will start with breathing practices and then move on to sun salutations and other asanas.

2. Travis Eliot – Power Yoga Flow 40 min

But if you can spare the time, it is better to choose a more complete lesson from Travis Eliot – Yoga Power Flow, which lasts 40 minutes. With this program you will be able to balance postures to improve strength, develop flexibility. Travis helps you to work out all these qualities more deeply.

In this lesson (as in 20 minutes) directions combine Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga and power yoga. Due to this combination, you bring the muscles in tone and make the body fit, while harmonizing heart and mind.

3. Anaswara – Dynamic Flow 20 min

Dynamic Flow — this 20-minute lesson with an instructor of Anusara aimed at strengthening the crust and upper body, and also on opening the hips and shoulders. You will begin to practice without delay, with positions downward-facing dog with the transition in the position of the bar.

This short practice is ideal for you if you don’t have much time for yoga, but you want to relieve stress and replenish vital energy for activity. Give yourself some time and follow the lesson in the morning, afternoon or evening depending on your schedule.

4. Lauren Eckstrom – Power Yoga 60 min Sweat Fest

Another option is a combination of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga and power yoga offers Lauren eckstrom. In this programme special attention is paid to balance the power load, exercise heart and body detoxification.

The program lasts 60 minutes and be ready for this time to sweat. But after the lesson you will feel an extraordinary sense of relaxation and purification, which can only give a qualitative yoga training.

5. Travis Eliot – Core Power Flow 60 min

Feel that your balance is weaker than you would like? Then try the 60-minute program Core Power Flow from Travis Eliot , with a focus on strengthening the core muscles. This Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga will allow you to enjoy a growing level of balance and strength as you progress through the program.

Travis begins to practice with the posture of the child, to concentrate, to relax and to prepare for stress. You will improve your sense of balance and relieve stress, to feel stronger, leaner and better. As a bonus, you will strengthen the muscles and work on the stoop.

6. Andrea Jensen – Cardio 20 min Flow

Another alternative to a short video tutorial on Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga is a Cardio Flow. Short but very effective 20-minute practice under the guidance of Andrea Jensen will help you to loosen up the shoulders and relieve tension in the back, which is especially important for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

This program runs in the fast cardio pace, with frequent changes of exercises that will help you also to train the heart muscle. Throughout practice Andrea recalls the breath, as it is a fundamental part of correct execution of the asanas.

Try all 6 videos in the direction of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga and choose one that you like most of all. All programs are similar and have common features, but each lesson has its own characteristic feature.

See also: Yoga with Himalay – morning, afternoon and evening option.

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