Sedentary lifestyle: consequences

A sedentary lifestyle, the consequences of which can be truly dire, has become a common problem in modern humans.

We strive for comfort, time saving and simplification. If we have the opportunity to reach our destination by car and take the elevator, we will definitely use it. It looks like saving time and effort, but it only seems so. In fact, such savings are harmful to our health.

The results of recent studies in rats are amazing. It turned out that passive lifestyle literally deforms our brains, resulting in high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart disease.

In light of these studies, the link between sedentary lifestyles and poor health and disease is becoming more pronounced.


Therefore, if we want to live longer (and one of the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle is the risk of early death) and stay healthy, we should start moving more, especially since it is not as difficult as it might seem.

So, several recent studies confirm that just 150 minutes of exercise per week can help you avoid the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle and just become more alert and more efficient. That’s a little over 20 minutes a day!

That is, the optimal amount of workouts is a little more than some are used to thinking, but less than many might imagine.

But intense, exhausting workouts can hurt rather than help. As with anything, balance and norm are important. Even if you exercise a little, but still do it, the risk of premature death, which causes a sedentary lifestyle, is reduced by as much as 20%.

And if you stick to the recommended 150 minutes per week, the risk of premature death is reduced by 31%.

For healthy adults, a minimum of 2,5 hours of moderate aerobic activity or 1,5 hours of intense aerobic activity is recommended weekly. And it will be better to combine them.

This time can be spread evenly throughout the week.

The benefits of moderate physical activity are obvious, and these statistics are simply intended to motivate everyone to join the gym. Or try to at least slightly increase your daily activity in all available ways, such as such.

The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle can be counteracted by simply becoming more mobile in your daily life. Walk daily, take breaks to warm up, walk a little faster, use stairs instead of elevators.

If you are used to driving your car, try parking it a little further from your destination. And when traveling by metro or bus / tram / trolleybus, get off a little earlier and try to go one or two stops on foot.

Today there are many devices with which you can measure your activity. Various pedometers will clearly show how active you have been.

Look for something that will inspire you. You may find group classes or workouts for a couple with a loved one suitable for you. Some people like to exercise at home more, which means that you should think about buying an exercise bike or treadmill.

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