Secrets of Health and Longevity of Tibetan Monks

Secrets of Health and Longevity of Tibetan Monks

We find out what helps them live to a ripe old age.

Legends are formed about the Tibetan secrets of longevity, and monks have long become an example of a correct and healthy lifestyle. They spend most of their time in prayer and meditation. It is almost impossible to find out their secrets directly, because they live in closed monasteries and do not talk to worldly people. But sometimes travelers manage to settle in the monastery as a guest and observe the way of life of the ministers. 

What we call the secrets of health and longevity is a daily routine for Tibetan monks. Every day they start and end with prayers, exercise, work, eat right, don’t get angry or swear. We can easily add all these and many other rules to our usual life. Let’s take a closer look at them. 


Tibetan monks always monitor their diet: they do not overeat, adhere to the rule of separate meals, do not mix proteins and carbohydrates, and eat slowly and in small portions. In addition, they do not eat meat and choose only plant-based foods, as well as butter, cheese, dairy products and eggs.

The main rule of nutrition: food should only bring satiety, they cannot be a substitute for joy and burden the body.

If you want to follow the rules of the monks, then you should give up coffee and tea. For themselves, they brew the “elixir of youth” according to a special recipe:

Prepare 100 g of a mixture of birch buds, chamomile, St. John’s wort and immortelle. The herbs can be bought at the pharmacy or collected by yourself. A tablespoon of dry mixture of herbs is poured with half a liter of boiling water and left to brew for 20 minutes. Then strain the infusion, dissolve a teaspoon of natural honey in it. After dinner, drink a drink and do not eat or drink anything else until the morning. In the morning on an empty stomach, you can drink another glass of infusion, but after that you do not eat for about two hours.

This drink cleanses the body, improves skin condition, strengthens blood vessels, restores metabolism and rejuvenates organs.

Body health

Monks do a lot of gymnastics and improve the capabilities of their bodies. Doing the Tibetan set of exercises every day in the morning, you will feel stronger, more cheerful and younger.

Exercise 1. Rotation around its axis

Stand straight, spread your arms out to the sides, palms down. Begin to slowly rotate clockwise, gradually picking up the pace. Start with three turns, and over time, increase the number of times this and other exercises are performed.

Exercise 2. Lying on your back legs

Lie on the floor, place your arms along your torso, palms down. Press your head to your chest and slowly raise your legs straight up, then lower. After each leg lift, the body should be relaxed as much as possible.

Exercise 3. Bends back

Kneel down with your feet and knees hip-width apart. Press your hands to the back of your thighs, press your head to your chest. In this position of the body, perform bends with a straight back back. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise 4. Bridge

Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Put your palms on the floor, tilt your head to your chest. Take a long breath, and as you exhale, tilt your head back, rest your feet and palms on the floor and lift your torso parallel to the floor to the “bridge” position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

Exercise 5. Arc

Lie on your stomach with support on your hands and socks. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, bend your back and lift your pelvis up so that your body begins to resemble a triangle. (Hint: in yoga this position is called a downward facing dog) Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise several times.

Peace of mind

For Tibetan monks, it is important not only to strengthen their body, but also to keep all thoughts and feelings in order. After all, the main causes of our diseases are nervous tension and stress. Therefore, it is important to be able to disconnect from the outside world, rid yourself of pressing problems and get the right rest. Meditation and mantra recitation help in this.

Right thoughts

According to Tibetan canons, it does not exist either yesterday or tomorrow. There is only now. Therefore, it is important to learn how to seize the moment, to carry out each action consciously, with a clear conscience and good thoughts.

Try to develop your intuition and listen to your inner voice. It is very important to do what your heart tells you. And remember that old age does not come with years, but as negative thoughts and bad emotions accumulate in you, therefore, having freed yourself from them forever, you will rejuvenate your body as well.

Physical life

Our behavior is a reflection of ourselves and our reaction to the world around us. It is very important to live in harmony with nature, people and yourself. To do this, the monks are advised to monitor their speech, avoid bad deeds and actions, observe the daily routine: get up on time and go to bed on time, develop their talents and monitor their appearance.

By following these simple rules of life by which Tibetan monks live, you will be able to find the strength to improve your health and comprehend the secrets of longevity.

The main

1. Engage in self-discovery and self-improvement.

2. Slowing down, carefully observe the world and inner state.

3. Live in the here and now.

4. Eat right.

5. Engage in physical activity.

6. Carry good in yourself.

7. Meditate.

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