What are the benefits of blood donation?

While blood donation is critical for those who need it, there are benefits to the donor as well. Let’s talk about some of the health benefits of donating. Improved blood flow Regular blood donation helps to reduce harmful formations on the blood vessels and arterial blockages. The American Journal of Epidemiology found that blood donors are 88% less likely to suffer heart attacks. At the moment, it is not known exactly whether the improvement in blood flow has a significant impact on health. (Such studies cannot establish a precise causal relationship. For example, a blood donor may simply lead a healthier lifestyle than the general population.) Learn about the state of your body Before you donate blood, you will need to undergo minor procedures such as taking your temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and hemoglobin levels. Once collected, the blood is sent to a laboratory where it undergoes 13 different tests, including those for infectious diseases, HIV, and others. If one turns out to be positive, you will definitely be informed about it. However, do not try to donate if you suspect that you or your partner may have HIV. Iron levels return to normal The blood of a healthy adult normally contains about 5 grams of iron, mostly in the red blood cells but also in the bone marrow. When you donate blood, you lose about a quarter of a gram of iron, this amount is replenished with food within a week. This regulation of iron in the blood is good, since too much iron in the blood is fraught with the health of the blood vessels. “According to statistics, a decrease in the amount of iron in the blood of healthy people has a positive effect on blood vessels in the long term.” However, women close to menopause are not recommended to donate blood. The fact is that the level of iron of such women is often at the lowest limit. In conclusion, we note that the need for blood always exists. Just one donation of blood can save the lives of three people.

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