Scientists have confirmed the harm of electronic cigarettes

Specialists of the National Laboratory named after V.I. Lawrence at Berkeley in the United States, having studied the composition of the smoke of electronic cigarettes, they found that they are as harmful to human health as ordinary cigarettes.

Some smokers (and non-smokers too) believe that e-cigarettes are safe for their health, or at least less harmful than regular cigarettes. Smoke yourself calmly and don’t think about anything! But no matter how it is. The American publication Environmental Science & Technology has published a study with facts and chemical tables that prove that e-cigarettes are practically no different from ordinary ones.

“E-cigarette advocates say the concentration of harmful substances in their composition is much lower than when smoking regular cigarettes. This opinion may be true for experienced smokers who cannot quit smoking. But that doesn’t mean e-cigarettes are actually harmless. If regular cigarettes are super-harmful, then e-cigarettes are just bad, ”says study author Hugo Destailatz of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

In order to study the composition of smoke in e-cigarettes, two e-cigarettes were taken: a cheap one with one heating coil and an expensive one with two heating coils. It turned out that the dangerous chemicals contained in the smoke increased several times during the first and last puff. This was especially noticeable in a cheap electronic cigarette.

In terms of numbers, the level of acleroin, which causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract, in e-cigarettes increased from 8,7 to 100 micrograms (in regular cigarettes, the level of acleroin can range from 450-600 micrograms).

The harm from an electronic cigarette doubles when it is used again. It turned out that when refueling electronic cigarettes, substances such as propylene glycol and glycerin are used, which form more than 30 dangerous chemical compounds, including the previously never mentioned propylene oxide and glycidolom.

In general, the conclusion is this: smoking is not only not fashionable (and for a long time!), But also very harmful. Read more about how to quit smoking HERE.

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