Useful properties of sweet potatoes

One of the healthiest nutrients in sweet potatoes is dietary fiber, which has been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels in diabetics.  


Despite their name, sweet potatoes do not belong to the same family as potatoes, not even close. Potatoes are tubers, sweet potatoes are roots. In some places, the darker varieties of sweet potatoes are erroneously called yams. Yams are whitish or purplish in color, depending on the variety. It has an earthy taste, a tough texture, and hardly any sweetness.

There are many varieties of sweet potatoes (yam), the flesh is white, yellow, orange and purple. Even the shape and size of sweet potatoes vary from short and thick to long and thin.

Nutritional value

Sweet potatoes, especially brightly colored ones, are extremely rich in carotenes (provitamin A). It is also an excellent source of vitamins C, B2, B6, E and biotin (B7). Sweet potato is rich in minerals, contains a large amount of manganese, folic acid, copper and iron. It also contains pantothenic acid and nutritional fiber.

Benefit for health

Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of vegetable proteins. Sweet potato is a very low calorie product. Unlike other starchy root vegetables, it is known for its low sugar content and is a good blood sugar regulator.

Antioxidant. Sweet potatoes have been found to be high in antioxidants, making them useful in fighting inflammatory conditions such as asthma, arthritis, gout, etc.

Diabetes. This fibrous root is suitable for diabetics as it regulates blood sugar levels very well and helps reduce insulin resistance.

Digestive tract. Sweet potatoes, especially the skins, contain a significant amount of dietary fiber, they help maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract, relieve constipation, and also help prevent colon cancer.

Emphysema. Smokers and victims of passive smoking should regularly consume foods high in vitamin A, as smoke leads to vitamin A deficiency, resulting in lung damage and a number of other health problems. Fetal development. The folic acid found in sweet potatoes is essential for the development and health of the fetus.

The immune system. Regular consumption of sweet potatoes strengthens the body’s immune system and strengthens resistance to infections.

Heart disease. Consumption of this potassium-rich root helps prevent heart attack and stroke. It helps to maintain the water-salt balance in the cells of the body, as well as the normal functioning of the heart and blood pressure.

Muscle cramps. Potassium deficiency can cause muscle spasms and greater susceptibility to injury. Make sweet potatoes a regular part of your diet if you train hard to increase strength and prevent cramps and injuries.

Stress. When we are nervous, sweet potatoes, rich in potassium, help to normalize the heartbeat. This in turn sends oxygen to the brain and regulates the body’s water balance.


When buying sweet potatoes, choose dark varieties. The darker the root, the higher the carotene content.

Choose well-shaped sweet potatoes, not wrinkled ones. Avoid greenish sweet potatoes, green color indicates the presence of a toxic substance called solanine. Store sweet potatoes outdoors in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated place, and do not wrap them in plastic bags or refrigerate them. It can keep fresh up to ten days.

You can cook whole sweet potatoes. The peel contains a lot of nutrients, so try not to cut it off, but brush it. Try steaming sweet potatoes, chilling them, and running them through your food processor to make a nutritious smoothie by mixing sweet potatoes with yogurt, honey, and flaxseed oil.  



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