Relieve allergy symptoms with herbal products

If you want to alleviate allergies this season, plan your diet first. Do you eat fruits and vegetables with every meal? This is important because plant foods can be the best remedy for seasonal allergies. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and grains contain a huge variety of nutrients that work together to keep you healthy even during the onslaught of seasonal allergies.

Try seasoning your meals with cayenne pepper. It contains capsaicin, a substance that can relieve symptoms such as congestion and inflammation, as well as strengthen the immune system. Adding it to food is very easy and convenient! Sprinkle cayenne pepper over cooked dishes, add it to seasonings and sauces, or sip it in hot ginger tea.

Omega-3s are a great antihistamine! Omega-3 fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory effects. The less the sinus is inflamed, the easier it is to transfer the allergy. Include omega-3 rich foods like flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and hemp seeds in your diet. Add them to your salads and smoothies!

By eating whole, plant-based foods, you get enough vitamin C. This antioxidant is known for its role in keeping you healthy during colds and flu, and can also protect you during allergy season. Excellent sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, papayas, red peppers, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.

Finally, drink plenty of water, preferably with fresh lemon.

Follow these tips to enjoy life and feel good even during allergy season!

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