Red radish, why is this vegetable good for children?

All round, a little elongated or egg-shaped, red radish is tinged with pink, red or is sometimes two-tone. Depending on the variety, it has more or less spiciness. Red radish is eaten raw with a little butter and salt. It is also eaten lightly cooked with a drizzle of olive oil.

Magical associations

For a healthy aperitif : dip radishes in cottage cheese seasoned with herbs or spices or in guacamole.

Mix radishes and add a little butter, salt and pepper. There you have it, an amazing cream to serve on grilled toast.

Steamed or returned to the pan for a few minutes, you can serve them with grilled fish or poultry.

Pro tips

To keep the beautiful color of the radishes, pour a little lemon juice in the rinse water.

Do not throw away the tops. Cook them in a casserole dish or in a pan with a little oil. To be served with meat. Or mix them in a velvety version. Delicious !

Don’t cook radishes for too long under penalty of losing all their vitamins and colors.

Better to consume them the same day because radishes tend to go soggy quickly.

Did you know ? Contrary to popular belief, the largest radishes are the least pungent. To be preferred for the youngest.

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