Pros and cons of the soy diet

The essence of the soy diet

When you go on a soy diet, you drastically limit your dietary intake of fat and carbohydrates, increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, and replace animal protein and dairy products with soy counterparts.

Pros of a soy diet:

  1. It is balanced in the main food ingredients;
  2. Consists of available products;
  3. Easy to carry;
  4. Not accompanied by hunger;
  5. Contributes to the normalization of fat metabolism, due to the presence of lecithin;
  6. Helps reduce the presence of bad cholesterol in the body;
  7. Has a detoxifying effect;
  8. Promotes moderate weight loss and elimination of puffiness.

Cons of a soy diet:

  1. To carry out a diet, you need high-quality soy, not genetically modified;
  2. Soy foods sometimes cause bloating and flatulence.


Soy diet is contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy (the effect of hormone-like substances in soy on the embryo causes concern among doctors: a negative effect is possible);
  • with diseases of the endocrine system;
  • with an allergic reaction to soy and soy products.

Soy diet menu

1 day

Breakfast: 1 glass of soy milk, some croutons.

Lunch: soy goulash, 2 boiled potatoes, 1 apple.

Dinner: boiled soy meat, vegetable salad, 1 apple.

2 day

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with soy milk.

Lunch: 1 soy meat cutlet, 2 boiled carrots, 1 apple and 1 orange.

Dinner: boiled soy meat, vegetable salad, 1 glass of apple juice.

3 day

Breakfast: rice porridge with soy milk.

Lunch: bean curd, carrot salad with sour cream and soy sauce.

Dinner: boiled fish, cabbage and bell pepper salad, 1 glass of apple juice.

4 day

Breakfast: a glass of soy milk, 2 croutons.

Lunch: vegetable soup, beet salad, 1 apple.

Dinner: 2 boiled potatoes, soy goulash, 1 apple.

5 day

Breakfast: soy cheese or cottage cheese, tea or coffee.

Lunch: soy cutlet, vegetable salad with sour cream.

Dinner: vegetable soup, soy cheese, 1 glass of apple juice.

6 day

Breakfast: a glass of soy milk, croutons.

Lunch: soy goulash, vegetable salad with vegetable oil.

Dinner: pea puree, vegetable salad with vegetable oil.

7 day

Breakfast: boiled beans, vegetable salad, tea or coffee.

Lunch: soy chop, vegetable salad with sour cream.

Dinner: boiled meat, bean curd, 1 apple and 1 orange.

Useful tips:

  • The soy diet is extremely effective when alternated with kefir fasting days.
  • When combined with regular physical training, you can reduce the thickness of the subcutaneous fat and provide a beautiful muscle definition.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of gas-free water every day of the diet.
  • Serving sizes should be kept small. Some nutritionists recommend that one meal with all the ingredients should be no more than 200 grams by weight.
  • Eat ready-made soy foods on the same day – soy foods are perishable.
  • Soy products are fairly neutral in taste, so be sure to use seasoning.
  • Do not go on a soy diet too often: 2-3 times a year is enough.

If, in addition to dieting, you also actively and regularly play sports, then you have probably heard of soy protein in sports nutrition, where soy protein isolates are used. It contains all the essential amino acids, comparable in composition to the amino acids of milk, meat and eggs. However, if you do not have an individual need to give up animal protein (for example, if you are not a vegetarian), then the use of sports nutrition with soy protein in the composition is completely optional for you. You can include soy in your daily diet without cutting out meat and dairy products.

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