Proper warm-up before training

If you expect the maximum effect from training, then you can’t do without a warm-up. You will start to ignore its implementation – and your body will not be sufficiently prepared for classes.

You get behind the wheel of a car, start it up and immediately want to accelerate it to 200 km/h. How will this affect the mechanics? How will it affect the overall condition of the vehicle? This is a metaphor for a workout without a warm-up. Let’s take a look at why you need a warm-up before training and how it affects the body as a whole.

Everything you need to know about warming up before a workout

Our body has a certain margin of safety. Sooner or later we all start to age. Fitness or sports just help to keep the body youthful for as long as possible. A warm-up before training is just needed to prevent joint pain, sprains, problems of the cardiovascular system.

The main rule: start your workout with a warm-up. Before starting a workout, our body is at rest. A warm-up serves as a “warm-up” of all muscles.

What is the function of the warm-up?

  • Warm up joints and tendons before exercise.
  • Wound muscles are more elastic than not warmed up. This means that the power capabilities will be higher.
  • Reduced risk of injury and sprains.
  • Enrichment of the body with oxygen.
  • Acceleration of metabolism and blood circulation.
  • An adrenaline rush that helps you cope with physical stress.
  • Improved coordination and attention.
  • Preparation of the cardiovascular system.
  • Reducing the stress level for the body before the main workout.

Thus, the correct warm-up helps the body tune in to the workout. In the psychological and physiological sense. And you will be able to perform a better workout, which will affect the result.

And if you train without a warm-up, what will be the consequences?

Let’s look at an example. Imagine a piece of beef on the bone that has just been taken out of the freezer. It is easy to break and hard to bend. Now imagine the same thing, but at room temperature. It is harder to break and the meat itself has become more elastic.

  1. When warming up, body temperature gradually rises and blood circulation accelerates. Figuratively – you pull the meat out of the refrigerator.
  2. Training without a warm-up leads to a decrease in joint mobility, inflammation and deformity.
  3. Lack of warm-up also harms the ligamentous apparatus (what connects muscles and joints). Without warming up, they are very easy to injure.

Remember: without a warm-up, there is a high risk of joint injury, fainting, or problems with blood pressure. Therefore, do not listen to friends who are engaged without a warm-up.

Are there any differences between warming up before strength and aerobics training?

Actually none. A dynamic warm-up is needed before classes in the gym or at home. Before strength or cardio training. The only thing to consider is the most active muscle groups in training. 

Let’s say you plan to ride a 10 km bike, in which case you should do more warm-up exercises for the calves and thigh muscles. But it is important to “warm up” the whole body.

Pre-workout warm-up program

Consider the structure of the universal warm-up. Let’s explain what each item is for. With a duration of 1-2 minutes, it is impossible to completely warm up the muscles with ligaments, increase the temperature and accelerate blood circulation. Therefore, the universal warm-up time should be within 5-10 minutes.

For the respiratory system and circulation:

  • 1-2 minutes of cardio exercise.

For elasticity of ligaments:

  • 1-2 minutes of joint exercises.
  • 2-3 minutes of muscle stretching exercises.

Recovery before the main workout:

  • 0.5-1 minute to recover.

The main sign of a good warm-up is that after it you are full of energy, cheerfulness and want to start the main workout. Sensation of warmth and perspiration. Do not confuse warm-up and cool-down. The latter should take place in a static position and at a slow pace. It has the opposite meaning – to restore breathing and general condition after training.

What you need to remember: any workout begins with a warm-up. Remember this and do it.

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