Workouts for a beautiful, healthy back and posture

With a small amount of effort every day and taking time to exercise for the back, you can achieve not only the correct and beautiful posture, but also the health of the body as a whole.

Difficulty level: For beginners

Stoop is a problem that concerns not only beauty. Incorrect posture increases the load on the entire body: the spine, muscles, and internal organs suffer. As a result, sooner or later, health problems may arise.

Stooping can contribute to the development of:

  • pain in the back;
  • fatigue, chronic fatigue;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • circulatory disorders in the spine;
  • dizziness, general malaise.

A set of exercises for training on the back

A set of special exercises will help maintain the beauty and health of the back, relieve pain and fatigue, and increase efficiency. Slouching can be fixed! At the same time, it is important to perform exercises daily, and in case of serious violations of posture, be sure to consult a doctor.

After each exercise, take a short break of 5-10 seconds, listen to your feelings. Lengthen or shorten the exercise time as needed. Do not overload yourself, especially if you are just starting to get acquainted with physical activity.

Exercise “Reduction of the shoulder blades”

  • We sit on our knees, straighten our back, stretch our arms in front of us.
  • During execution, we try to pull the neck up.
  • On the exhale, we bring the shoulder blades to each other, we hold our hands in front of us.
  • Next, take a breath and at the same time round your back.
  • We exhale, and then we already wind our hands over our heads so far back.
  • On the next breath, we round the back again, and move the hands to the starting position.

Exercise is performed in one approach 8 times.

Exercise “We stand in the plank”

  • We bend our arms at a right angle, the legs rest on the socks, the body is extended in a straight line.
  • Watch your breath – it should be even.

We perform within 20 seconds for beginners and up to 5 minutes in the future.

Exercise “Cat”

  • Starting position – standing on all fours, while the palms are under the shoulders, the arms are straight all the time.
  • We take a breath, relaxing the stomach and bending the spine down. We do the exercise slowly, carefully.
  • On the exhale, we unbend in the opposite direction.
  • The chin goes to the chest, the abdominal muscles contract, the back is rounded.

The exercise is performed in one approach 5-10 times.

Exercise “Pull”

  • We remain in the same position as in the previous exercise.
  • We stretch the right arm and left leg, and at the same time, while trying to raise them as high as possible.
  • We keep the balance with the help of the abdominal muscles – we strain the press.
  • We stand in this position for 15 seconds and return to the starting position.
  • Then switch arms and legs and repeat.

We perform 8 repetitions.

Exercise “Lunge forward”

  • We kneel down, take a step forward with the right foot, while the knee bends at a right angle.
  • We raise our hands above our heads, clasping them in the lock.
  • The back is straight, breathing is calm, the shoulders are located above the hips.
  • We pull our hands up until a feeling of tension in the shoulder girdle and in this position we linger for 10 seconds.
  • Then we return to the original position, repeat the same with the other leg.

We perform 5 times on each leg.

Exercise “Swim”

  • First you need to lie on your stomach.
  • We begin to raise the right arm and left leg up as far as possible, freeze for a few seconds and change the arm and leg.
  • The neck is not tense.
  • We perform 10 times for each side.
  • After completing a set of exercises, you do not immediately need to load yourself with hard work, sports.
  • Try to rest a little, let the muscles relax.

Perform the proposed set of exercises regularly, and you will be able to avoid serious problems that can lead to poor posture.

What else should you keep in mind when training your back?

  1. Correct posture is hard work. The fact that you need to keep your back straight should always be remembered, no matter if you are walking somewhere, standing or sitting.
  2. Do not forget to take breaks in work, especially if it is sedentary. You can walk around the office, do some simple exercises.
  3. Pay attention to the shoes you buy, they should be comfortable, with low heels.
  4. Bring sports into your life, move more, walk, run.
  5. Choose a firm mattress for a night’s rest. This is an excellent prevention of curvature of the spine and other back diseases.

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