Prevention of musculoskeletal disorders of the shoulder (tendonitis)

Basic preventive measures

General recommendations

  • Before engaging in an activity that puts a lot of strain on the shoulder, plan warm-up exercises to increase general body temperature. For example, hopping, brisk walking, etc.
  • Take some breaks frequently.

Prevention in the workplace

  • Call on the services of a ergonome or an occupational therapist to implement a prevention program. In Quebec, experts from the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST) can guide employees and employers in this process (see Sites of interest).
  • Vary the positions work and take breaks.

Prevention in athletes

  • Call on the services of a coach (kinesiologist or physical educator) who knows the sports discipline that we practice in order to learn the appropriate and safe techniques. For tennis players, for example, it might be sufficient to use a lighter racket or to modify the technique of play.
  • An athlete who wants to increase the intensity of his training should do so in a way progressive.
  • To decrease the risk of tendinopathy, it may be necessary to to reinforce the muscles of the shoulder (including the muscles of the rotator cuff, especially the external rotators), which has the effect of reducing stress on ligaments, the joint capsule and bone structures.
  • Develop and maintain a good Muscular force thump, the legs and arm. These muscles are essential for building strength in an arm raised above the head. A good musculature of the whole body will reduce the stress on the shoulder.


Prevention of musculoskeletal disorders of the shoulder (tendonitis): understand everything in 2 min

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