Prevention of edema of the legs

Prevention of edema of the legs

Can we prevent edema of the legs?

If the problem is not too advanced, it is often possible to prevent or reduce the edema of the legs by simple measures : walking, compression clothing, decreased salt intake, elevation of limbs.

If the edemas are related to underlying disease, the only way to avoid them is to treat or prevent the disease in question.

Basic preventive measures

  • La marche is often the best way to prevent mild edema of the legs. If you have to sit for a long time, as is the case on long airplane trips, get up and walk for a few minutes every hour;
  • Maintain the high legs above heart level for 30 minutes is usually enough to decrease swelling, if the edema is not too severe.

Measures to prevent aggravation

  • Avoid sudden changes in temperature as they can worsen the edema;
  • Avoid very hot showers and baths, as well as saunas and hydromassage tubs.


Prevention of edema of the legs: understand everything in 2 min

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