Physiological methods of dealing with stress: 5 proven practices

How to properly treat the body in order to achieve spiritual harmony, we tell you on April 7 — World Health Day.

Mind and body are two parts of a single system. The mind helps the body cope with stress, and through the impact at the level of the body, you can become for yourself an island of psychological comfort. How?..

We live according to the schedule

The work of all organs and systems of our body is subject to circadian rhythms. Wakefulness, sleep, appetite, hormone production, and digestive activity depend on the cyclic change of day and night.

  • During sleep, melatonin is produced — the most important natural antidepressant. This hormone also lowers blood pressure.

  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone is also produced at night, which regulates thyroid function. Her hormones are responsible for metabolic rate and mood.

  • During sleep, our brain receives leptin signals that everything is in order with body weight and the body does not need additional calories. The synthesis of these hormones begins approximately 2 hours before the time of going to bed, established by nature. So you need to go to bed before 23:00, otherwise the cascade of hormonal reactions is disrupted. That is why during the «night vigils» you want to eat so much.

Proper daily routine and adequate sleep are essential for maintaining the fine tuning of natural balance, maintaining an optimal metabolic rate and healthy reactions to stress. In addition, the routine is, in fact, a routine that, despite the seeming «boring», calms in a state of anxiety, gives a sense of stability in life.  

Exercise stress

For a good rest, you need a sufficient load in the daytime. Many of us have a sedentary job, a sedentary lifestyle. The mental stress received during the day does not find a proper outlet and accumulates in our heads. On the way home, we read the news, in the evening we watch TV or videos on the Internet, which only increases the load. Anxiety is reflected in the excessive tone of various muscle groups: chewing, muscles of the shoulder girdle. We feel tension and pain, and this needs to be changed.

Right now is the time to go dancing or yoga, go jogging or tennis

Physical activity as a kind of stress stimulates the synthesis of cortisol by the adrenal glands. Only at the same time we get toned muscles, proper functioning of the metabolism and lymphatic system, energy balance, improve well-being. Dopamine is also produced during exercise, a neurotransmitter that causes a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction with life. 

  • One of the best options is a combination of aerobic training with strength training 2-3 times a week.

  • A useful habit will be to start every day with morning exercises.

  • The more intense the workout, the earlier it should be on the schedule.

  • It is recommended to train no later than 7-8 pm. If after an evening workout there are problems with falling asleep or the next day you feel tired, then it is better to postpone classes for the first half of the day.

Proper nutrition and vitamins

To withstand stress, the body needs a reserve to mobilize resources. Therefore, it is so important to eat right and get enough vitamins every day. Experts have found that stress provokes systemic inflammation and depresses our immune system.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber, inulin, and fermented foods can support the immune system and suppress inflammation. And be sure to make sure that the body has enough vitamins. With their shortage, vitamin monopreparations or complexes prescribed by a doctor will come to the rescue.


Toxins that enter and form in the body interfere with the proper functioning of our systems and can be the cause of low stress resistance, lack of energy in the morning and other problems. Support for the natural cleansing of the body, revision of the principles of nutrition, normalization of water balance as part of detox helps the body tune in the right way: this is how serotonin synthesis is normalized and skin problems go away. A specialist in detox programs will help you create a plan that is right for you and teach you how to control the correctness of its passage.

Final recommendation — privacy

In the midst of general hysteria and excitement, it is important to find a place where you are calm. Leave. Change environment. Turn to yourself, understand what you really want, tune in to positive in order to radiate confidence and charge others with positive energy. No wonder they say that only what it is filled with pours out of the jug. Transmitting our benevolent attitude to everyone around us, we are building a truly happy future.

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