Perfect body school #Sekta, how to lose weight, proper nutrition

A week of training for the three lucky women who decided to lose weight with Woman’s Day at the #Sekta Perfect Body School is over. The participants are already seeing the results!

A month ago, we wrote about the amazing project “School of the ideal body #Sekta” for those who want to lose weight. This is the author’s method of training and nutrition, which was invented by Olga Marquez, and has already gained thousands of followers in different cities of our country. We held a kind of competition among the readers of Woman’s Day – they wrote why they want to lose weight by studying at the “School of the ideal body #Sekta”. The editorial board selected the authors of the three best comments, and the girls began their classes. The first week of training is behind us, and the participants of our project are already seeing the first results!

I was glad that three very positive girls came to our school who really want to work on themselves, their bodies, change their lifestyle and nutrition, ”says Olga Smolyankina, one of the curators of the Omsk branch of the #Sekta Ideal Body School. – Each of them has a few extra pounds that they would like to get rid of, and this is completely real, believe me! People who are much more overweight come to our school. By following all the training and nutrition recommendations, they achieve amazing results. I have no doubt that our three girls will succeed in this, bearing in mind their determination and desire to achieve results. Despite the fact that, as a rule, the goals of losing weight students are expressed in kilograms, we recommend that you do not weigh yourself during the course! It sounds strange, especially when it comes to losing weight, but there are reasons for this. Many girls associate the process of losing weight with weight loss, and few know that in the process of losing weight, when you switch to a balanced diet and start exercising, you lose fat mass, while muscle mass grows, providing even greater loss of fat mass (more muscles – lose weight faster). But muscle mass weighs several times more than fat! Therefore, you can often observe a significant loss of centimeters in the waist, hips, but at the same time stabilization or even weight gain. Our students are very surprised when they update their wardrobe with things a couple of sizes smaller, while the scales show a constant figure or even a weight gain of 0,5-1 kg. Overweight people, of course, lose significantly in both volume and weight, but people with a body mass index (BMI) within the normal range lose little in weight, after which the weight stabilizes or increases slightly. This may demotivate someone, so we recommend moving the scales away, not weighing yourself, but measuring with a measuring tape and taking pictures once a week. Photos “before” and “after” of our students: both men and women – can be seen in the albums of our VKontakte group and on Instagram.

Each week of classes at the #Sekta Perfect Body School is a discovery. The system of training and nutrition is thought out so that a person does not get tired of a monotonous diet and loads. And at the very beginning, our girls – Julia, Vika and again Julia – were gathered for an introductory lecture, got to know them, held a training session and told about the basics of a healthy diet. Each girl was given a special diary, where she must describe in detail her meals during the day and the results of training.

– The first week of training and nutrition, as a rule, is a shock for the people who train with us, – the curator Olya smiles. – We start by removing unnecessary and unhealthy foods from the diet: food waste, fast carbohydrates, fried foods. We give general recommendations on the diet, supplying our students with a giant table of products, a menu of medical tables (if there are any peculiarities or digestive disorders). Using them, each person composes his own menu based on his own tastes and preferences. In addition, the project participants should set up a meal schedule so that no more than 2-3 hours pass between meals. It is not easy, because it will take a lot of effort to prepare and bring several containers of food with you to work. And besides, you need to attend quite intense workouts several times a week and train at home yourself. One of the participants attends training in the gym every day!

How did the first trainings go and what impressions did the girls have from classes in the “School of the ideal body #Sekta”, read on the following pages!

Student of OmSTU, specialty – graphic designer.

Hobbies and hobbies: loves art, enjoys drawing portraits, sketches for tattoos. She goes to concerts with pleasure and looks forward to the tour of the Alai Oli group in Omsk.

Impressions from the first classes in the “School of the ideal body #Sekta” were wonderful. I have been following the creativity and development of Oli Marquez for a long time, and when I read on your website that there is an opportunity to win training, I decided to take a chance and test my capabilities, to improve myself. Of course, I understood that it would not be easy, but, as it turned out, it is even much more difficult than one might have thought! When you look at the photos of the participants before and after training, it seems that someone has waved a magic wand and – again! – the perfect figure turned out. In life, of course, this is not so! After the introductory training, everything hurt me. By Monday, when, in fact, it all began (the regime of proper nutrition and training), I was preparing. The proper nutrition this week was to completely eliminate salt from the diet and not eat fruits. It was not easy for me. When you go to the store, you really want to buy this and that (especially fruit!), But you can’t. But still, I tolerate dietary restrictions normally. Buckwheat without salt is, of course, tasteless, but I even liked the unsalted oatmeal. Training began on Monday. It was difficult for me, because physically I am not a savvy person. And again the whole body ached. But I do not lose my optimism, I understand that efforts will be required, and I am ready to make them. Moreover, the team at the #Sekta Ideal Body School is good, the girls are all friendly, our curators are very kind. If something somewhere during training starts to hurt, we are asked to talk about it and adjust the load. And the main surprise for me was the extraordinary charge of positive that you get during training: I leave the gym and feel that the euphoria is going wild. This is great!

In our School, we do not adhere to diets; by the end of the course, each student will form his own diet and regimen that will help keep fit for a long time! But this process requires investment, habits formed over the years interfere, and during the course we work with them, building new, healthy eating behavior. That is why the first week is so ascetic: we exclude any strong tastes: salt, spices, fruits (which are often replaced by sweets, but this does not contribute to harmony). Already from the second week, all these products return to the diet, but students begin to use them more consciously.

First impressions of the lessons from other project participants on the following pages!


Hobbies and hobbies: reading books, long walks, handicrafts (knitting and making jewelry from polymer clay).

There were no surprises for me associated with a change in the principles of nutrition. In any case, in my life I try to eat right, and therefore the information that we were told at the introductory lecture was partially known to me. Some difficulties arose due to training – I had not been doing anything for a long time and felt a little awkward in the first lessons: my muscles ache, and my breathing is letting down. It’s good that interval training – intense load alternates with short rest. You don’t get as tired as if the load was continuous. It is very pleasant that I constantly feel the attention and participation from our curators. There is a chat where there is constant communication with both curators and trainees. You can ask any question, and the girls will always answer, patiently and thoroughly. I can imagine how much energy it takes them. At the #Sekta Perfect Body School, I immediately felt like a part of the team. We train together: those who are just starting to lose weight, and those girls for whom training and the nutrition system have already become a familiar way of life. As it turned out, there are many of us! Each training session gathers at least 20 people. I chose such a schedule for myself so that all trainings were in the middle of the working week. It’s convenient for me. As for nutrition, the story is like this. At the introductory lecture, we were told what foods are recommended to eat in the first week, given food diaries and tablets with recommended foods, and answered our questions. For me, the day now starts with either oatmeal or buckwheat, and I have to eat every two to three hours. It’s not hard, but cooking takes longer now. I spend an hour and a half in the kitchen every day – I cook food separately for myself, separately for my family. After all, you want to cook different dishes so as not to eat the same all day. So I now have four food containers in my bag every day. And unsalted. I can’t say that the lack of salt or seasoning hit me hard. But without fruit, it’s hard for me. But in two workouts I have already lost half a kilogram!

More details on how the classes were held on the next page!

Pizzeria chain marketer, mom of two sons.

Hobbies and hobbies: cross stitching, loves to cook.

After the first introductory lecture on nutrition, it seemed that everything is simple: there are no restrictions, there is only one rule: eat every three hours and drink eight glasses of water, start the morning with oatmeal or buckwheat, boiled in water without anything superfluous. After the first two days, you feel like a swollen hamster with water constantly chewing. The fact that you can not eat potatoes, I worry easily. I can do without sweets too – I’m not a sweet tooth. Another difficult thing is to live in one refrigerator with the whole family. You constantly slam the door, stop looking at an absolutely unnecessary product and take a carrot with cottage cheese. While the first week was going on, I didn’t really want to come up with something special with food. Simple one-two-component meals are a novelty for the body. Our main nutritional challenge this week was to do without salt, spices and fruits. Here, as they say, the detachment did not notice the loss of a soldier – it was very easy for me to give up salt. Fruit is more difficult – I’m used to the fact that for me it is a snack all day long. The first workout shook me !!! I was surprised: how did they select exercises for all muscle groups at the same time? I was glad that the classes were interval: warm-up, only four exercises (50 seconds each and 10 seconds break, then the next, and so on ten times!) I thought that I would die the next day. But no, it wasn’t so bad in the morning. Five minutes of charging gives you such vigor that it is enough for the whole day! It is very convenient that in a closed chat, videos of workouts that we have to do at home are posted for us – when it is convenient, then do it. There, in the chat, you can discuss all your questions. Curators are constantly in touch. The trainings are very interesting! In the first week, we did a test that we will do every week (a few exercises at a time). That is, every week it will be seen how you conquer yourself and how you progress. It is very cool!!! And we each have a photo of BEFORE. Let’s see what happens AFTER.

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