Scarlet fever. Nutrition for scarlet fever

What is scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is an acute infectious disease in which the body temperature rises, rashes appear on the skin, and the throat begins to hurt. The disease is caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, a bacterium of the genus beta-hemolytic streptococcus.

Forms of scarlet fever

Scarlet fever happens:

  • Extrapharyngeal. Regional lymph nodes and the oropharynx are affected, but the tonsils remain almost intact. There are two forms:
    – atypical;
    – typical.
  • Pharyngeal:
    – atypical;
    – typical.

Typical forms of the disease can be mild, moderate and severe. With mild typical scarlet fever, the temperature rises to 38.5 ° C, there is a sore throat, a mild rash appears on the body. Moderate course is always accompanied by high fever, purulent tonsillitis, signs of general intoxication of the body and a profuse rash. Severe typical scarlet fever, in turn, is classified into:

  • Septic. Necrotic angina develops. The inflammatory process affects the surrounding tissues, nasopharynx, oropharynx, lymph nodes, palate.
  • Toxic. Intoxication is pronounced (infectious-toxic shock may develop). The temperature rises to 41°C. The patient may have hallucinations, delusions, fainting. The heart rate increases ( tachycardia ). Vomiting may begin.
  • Toxic-septic. It manifests itself with signs characteristic of both septic and toxic forms.

Atypical scarlet fever always proceeds easily (with erased symptoms). The patient may only slightly redden the tonsils, there are single rashes on the trunk.

Causes of scarlet fever

The causative agent of scarlet fever in children and adults is group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. Its source is a carrier (a person does not suspect that he is infected) or a sick person. Patients are especially contagious in the early days. The risk of transmitting the infection to others disappears only three weeks after the onset of symptoms.

According to statistics, 15-20% of the population are asymptomatic carriers of scarlet fever. Sometimes a person can be a source of infection for several years.

Streptococcus is transmitted by airborne droplets (aerosol mechanism) and household routes. So, the patient releases it into the environment when coughing, sneezing, during a conversation. If the pathogen enters food, the alimentary route of transmission of the disease cannot be excluded. Most often, those people who are in close contact with the source of infection become infected.

It should be noted that the natural susceptibility to Streptococcus pyogenes is high. The immunity that develops in those who have already had scarlet fever is type-specific. This means that the risk of contracting other types of streptococcus remains.

It is noticed that the peak of scarlet fever in adults and children occurs in autumn and winter.

The pathogenesis of scarlet fever

The infection enters the body through the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, throat or genital organs (very rarely). Sometimes the entrance gate for the Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria is damaged skin.

At the site of introduction of the pathogen, a local infectious focus is formed. Microorganisms that multiply in it release toxic substances into the blood. Infectious intoxication develops. The presence of toxin in the bloodstream leads to the expansion of small vessels in the internal organs and skin. A rash appears. After that, an antitoxic immunity begins to form in an infected person – the rash, along with the symptoms of intoxication, disappears.

If the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes itself enters the bloodstream, the meninges, lymph nodes, tissues of the temporal region, the hearing aid, etc. are affected. As a result, severe purulent-necrotic inflammation develops.

Factors that contribute to the development of scarlet fever

Factors contributing to the development of the disease, doctors include:

  • autumn-winter period;
  • reduced immunity;
  • influenza , SARS ;
  • chronic diseases of the pharynx and tonsils.

Symptoms of scarlet fever in adults and children

The incubation period of scarlet fever is from 1 to 12 days (most often 2-4 days). The disease begins acutely. Body temperature rises , signs of general intoxication appear :

  • muscle pain ;
  • weakness ;
  • palpitations ;
  • headache.

Fever may be accompanied by drowsiness and apathy , or, conversely, euphoria, increased mobility. Due to intoxication, most infected people vomit.

Other signs of scarlet fever include:

  • Sore throat when swallowing . Tonsils, arches of the tongue, soft palate and posterior pharyngeal wall become hyperemic. In some cases, follicular-lacunar tonsillitis occurs . Then the mucosa is covered with a plaque of a purulent, necrotic or fibrous nature.
  • Enlargement of regional lymph nodes . They become very dense, painful on palpation.
  • Crimson tongue . On the 4th-5th day of illness, the tongue acquires a bright crimson color, the plaque from its surface disappears. There is papillary hypertrophy.
  • Staining of the lips in crimson color (a symptom of scarlet fever in adults, characteristic of a severe form of the disease).
  • Small rash . Appears on the 1-2 day of illness. Points of a darker shade are formed on the skin of the face and upper body, later on the flexion surfaces of the arms, inner thighs, and sides. Thickening in the skin folds, they form dark red stripes. Sometimes the rash merges into one large erytherma.
  • Absence of rashes in the nasolabial triangle (Filatov’s symptom). In this area, the skin, on the contrary, becomes pale.
  • Small hemorrhages . They are formed due to the fragility of blood vessels, squeezing or friction of the affected skin.

On the 3-5th day, the symptoms of scarlet fever begin to subside. The rash gradually turns pale and after 4-9 days completely disappears. After it, small-scaly peeling remains on the skin (large-scaly is usually diagnosed on the feet and palms).

In adults, scarlet fever may be asymptomatic (erased form). The patient notices only:

  • a scanty, pale rash that clears up quickly;
  • slight catarrh of the pharynx.

If you experience similar symptoms, contact your doctor immediately . It is easier to prevent a disease than to deal with the consequences.

Doctor explains SCARLET FEVER (Group A Streptococcal disease) - CAUSES, SYMPTOMS & TREATMENT

Diagnosis of scarlet fever

The specific clinical picture allows doctors to make a diagnosis based solely on physical examination and interview data. Laboratory diagnosis for scarlet fever includes a complete blood count, which confirms the presence of a bacterial infection:

  • increased ESR;
  • neutrophilic leukocytosis;
  • shift of the leukocyte formula to the left.

RKA is a method of specific express diagnostics of scarlet fever in adults and children.

If the patient has complications from the cardiovascular system, he is referred for a consultation with a cardiologist and it is recommended to do an ultrasound and ECG of the heart. With signs of otitis media, an examination by an otolaryngologist is indicated . To assess the work of the urinary system, an ultrasound of the kidneys is performed.

Scarlet fever treatment

In a severe form of the course of the patient with scarlet fever, they are placed in a hospital. In all other cases, it is possible to undergo treatment at home. The patient must necessarily observe bed rest for one week. Nutrition must be balanced. For the period of dominance of anginal symptoms, preference should be given to semi-liquid and mild dishes.

To eliminate the negative impact on the body of the pathogen, “Penicillin” is most often used, which is prescribed for a ten-day course. Cefazolin, Erythromycin, cephalosporins and macrolides of the first generation can also be used.

If there are contraindications to these antibacterial drugs, lincosamides or synthetic penicillins are prescribed. Complex therapy may also include the simultaneous administration of antibiotics with antitoxic serum (immune preparations made from the blood of immune people, animals).

Local treatment of scarlet fever involves gargling with a solution of “Furacilin” (diluted in a ratio of 1:5000) or decoctions prepared from medicinal herbs (calendula, eucalyptus, chamomile).

If signs of general intoxication of the body are pronounced, droppers with solutions of glucose or gemodez are placed. In case of violations of the heart, cardiological agents are necessarily used, for example, Camphor, Ephedrine, Cordamine.

Also, the treatment of scarlet fever involves the use of:

  • Antihistamine drugs (“Cetrin”, “Loratadin”) – help to exclude the development of complications that may occur with allergization.
  • Preparations aimed at strengthening the vascular walls (“Galascorbin”, “Ascorutin”) – minimize the negative effects of toxins on the blood capillaries.
  • Antipyretics (“Ibuprofen”, “Paracetamol”) – normalize body temperature, eliminate headaches and muscle pain.

Of the physiotherapy during the treatment of scarlet fever are recommended:

  • Irradiation of the tonsils with ultraviolet rays (contributes to the destruction of bacteria).
  • UHF-therapy (accelerates the healing of damaged skin, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect).
  • Centimeter wave (CMV) therapy of the tonsils (microwaves are used).
  • KUV-therapy (cleanses the tonsils and tonsils from plaque).
  • Magnetic laser therapy (increases the activity of immune cells, normalizes blood circulation).

Folk remedies for the treatment of scarlet fever

Folk recipes help to improve well-being with scarlet fever:

  • Rinse the horseradish root, dry and chop on a grater. Pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist for 3 hours. Gargle with the resulting throat 5 times a day.
  • Mix half a glass of freshly squeezed beetroot juice with 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp natural honey and half a glass of warm water. Use to gargle after every meal.
  • Half a glass of calendula flowers pour 1/2 liter of hot water and simmer in a water bath for half an hour. Dip gauze into the resulting broth and apply to the rash.
  • 1 tsp grind propolis and pour a glass of milk. Keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink before going to bed, after rinsing the throat.
  • Mix licorice and ginger powders in equal proportions. 1 tbsp the resulting mixture pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. Leave to infuse for half an hour. Strain and drink.
  • Rinse and chop the parsley root. Pour a spoonful of greens 1 tbsp. boiling water. Insist 20-25 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth. Take 3 tbsp. 4 times a day.
  • 1 tbsp dilute citric acid in a glass of warm water. Gargle with the resulting solution 4 times a day. It is also allowed to periodically chew slices of lemon.

Risk group for scarlet fever

The most common patients with scarlet fever are:

  • immunocompromised persons;
  • Small children;
  • people suffering from allergic reactions;
  • patients who have been in a situation of increased stress for a long time.

Prevention of scarlet fever

There is no vaccination against scarlet fever, so it is not possible to avoid the development of the disease with their help today. As for non-specific prevention measures, doctors recommend:

  • isolate infected people;
  • carry out quarantine measures in children’s educational and educational institutions;
  • discharge patients who were treated in a hospital, not earlier than 10 days from the date of hospitalization (after which they must comply with the home regimen for another 12 days).

This article is posted for educational purposes only and does not constitute scientific material or professional medical advice.

Useful foods for scarlet fever

With scarlet fever, it is better to use a sparing diet, slightly warm mashed food, steamed or boiled, consume at least six to seven times. At the initial stages of the disease, diet No. 13 is used, and after two weeks from the beginning of scarlet fever, diet No. 7 is used.

Useful products include:

  • vegetables (radish, beets, cabbage, horseradish, pumpkin) have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, remove toxins from the body;
  • fruits and berries;
  • warm tea with black currant or lemon (cleanses the body of toxins produced by hemolytic streptococcus, increases protective functions and normalizes the level of essential vitamins);
  • broth of dogrose;
  • berry, vegetable and fruit juices, compotes;
  • fish or meat dishes (meatballs, soufflés, steam cutlets);
  • jelly;
  • liquid porridge, mashed potatoes;
  • fermented milk products (kefir, natural yogurt, milk, cream, mild cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese) prevent the development of dysbiosis, enhance immunity and improve appetite;
  • honey and propolis restore the vascular endothelium and lost strength of the body, increase its resistance to infections, reduce inflammation of the pharynx and tonsils;
  • pureed vegetarian, dairy, or fruit soups;
  • foods rich in vitamin C (rose hips, sea buckthorn, bell peppers, kiwi, honeysuckle, viburnum, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, mountain ash, strawberries, orange);
  • dehumidified dry beer shivers;
  • fish oil (a source of vitamins D and A).

Menu for one day with scarlet fever

Early breakfast: semolina milk porridge, lemon tea.

Lunch: one soft-boiled egg and rosehip decoction.

Dinner: mashed vegetable soup in meat broth (half a portion), steamed meat balls, rice porridge (half a portion), grated compote.

Afternoon snack: one baked apple.

Dinner: boiled fish, mashed potatoes (half a portion), fruit juice diluted with water.

At night: fermented milk drinks (kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt).

Folk remedies for scarlet fever

  • use black radish (grate) as a gauze compress on the throat twice a day for a week;
  • horseradish infusion (pour chopped horseradish root with a liter of boiled warm water, leave for three hours, strain) rinse six times a day, slightly warming;
  • decoction of calendula and sage (per liter of water, one glass of sage (inflorescences and leaves) and half a glass of calendula (flowers), simmer in a water bath for half an hour, leave for 10 minutes) to use for three times rinsing or lotions at the site of rashes;
  • milk with propolis (a teaspoon of chopped propolis in a glass of milk, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes) to use at night, after rinsing the throat;
  • beet, lemon and cabbage juice;
  • milk with pumpkin pulp (soak a thin layer of pumpkin core with milk) apply for half an hour to the inflamed tonsils twice a day for a week (do not use for children);
  • infusion of ginger and licorice (a tablespoon of the powder mixture for one glass of boiling water, leave for twenty minutes), use at one time, pre-strain.

Dangerous and harmful foods for scarlet fever

You should limit the use of butter (up to 20 grams per day) and salt (up to 30 grams).

The following products should be excluded: refractory animal fats, fatty meats (lamb, pork, goose, duck), hot spices, smoked meats, salty, sour and spicy foods, fried foods, hot spices, concentrated broths, spices, chocolate, cocoa, coffee , chocolate candies. Also, allergenic products: seafood, red and black caviar; eggs; fresh cow’s milk, whole milk products; sausage, wieners, sausages; pickled foods; industrial canning products; fruit or sweet soda water; flavored unnatural yoghurts and chewing gums; alcoholic drinks; foods with food additives (preservatives, emulsifiers, dyes, flavors); exotic foods.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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