My child can’t keep still in class

Not detected in time, concentration disorders can compromise the smooth running of your toddler’s schooling. “On the same assignment, these children can achieve everything one day and botch everything the next day. They respond quickly, without having read the entire instruction, and in a rough fashion. They are impulsive and speak without raising a finger or having been given the floor, ”explains Jeanne Siaud-Facchin. Such a situation creates a conflict between the child and the teacher, who very quickly notices these behavioral problems.

Beware of demotivation!

“Depending on the nature of the disorder, we will observe a demotivation at school, even if the child has skills,” says the specialist. Forced to produce a lot of effort for poor results, the child who lacks concentration is constantly reprimanded. By reproaching him that his work is insufficient, he will be discouraged. All this leads in some cases to somatic disorders, such as school refusal. “

Concentration problems also isolate toddlers. “Children who lack concentration are very quickly rejected by adults who cannot channel them. They are also put aside by their comrades since they have difficulty respecting the rules of the games. As a result, these children live in great suffering and lack self-confidence, ”emphasizes Jeanne Siaud-Facchin.

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