Yellow-red rowing (Tricholomopsis rutilans) or yellow-red honey agaric captivates lovers of “silent hunting” with its beautiful appearance and mushroom smell. It grows from late summer to mid-autumn on the roots of coniferous trees or near rotten stumps. Many beginner mushroom pickers have a question: Is the reddening row mushroom edible, is it worth picking it up?

False or edible mushroom row yellow-red?

For most mushroom pickers, the yellow-red row, the photo of which can be seen below, is a little-known mushroom. After all, the main commandment is to take only well-known mushrooms. And on the other hand, the blushing row looks edible. How to understand these issues and how to understand if the row is yellow-red?

Note that in some scientific sources this mushroom is classified as a conditionally edible species, while in others it is classified as inedible. This unflattering judgment is usually associated with the bitter taste of the flesh, especially in adult specimens. However, after boiling it is possible to get rid of bitterness. Experienced mushroom pickers consider the yellow-red row an edible mushroom and successfully include it in their daily menu.

This article will allow you to get acquainted with a detailed description and photo of the yellow-red row mushroom.

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Yellow-red mushroom (tricholomopsis rutilans): photo and description

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Latin name: Tricholomopsis rutilans.

Family: Ordinary.

Synonyms: the honey agaric is red or yellow-red, the row is reddening or red.

Hat: has a yellow skin with red or red-lilac scales. It seems that it is strewn with a large number of small red dots and villi. Therefore, the cap appears orange-red or yellow-red. In the adult state of the fungus, the scales remain on the hat only in the center. At a young age, the cap has a convex shape, which eventually changes to a flat one. The diameter is from 3 to 10 cm and even up to 15 cm. A photo and description of a yellow-red row will show all the differences between a mushroom cap and inedible twins.

Leg: dense, yellowish shade with a height of up to 10-12 cm and a diameter of 0,5 to 2,5 cm. There are numerous longitudinal purple scales along the entire leg. At a young age, the leg is solid, then becomes hollow and curved, thickens towards the base.

Pulp: bright yellow color with a pleasant smell of wood. In the cap, the pulp is denser, and in the stem with a looser texture and fibrous structure, it is bitter. A photo of a yellow-red row mushroom will show the distinctive features of the pulp of this mushroom.

Records: yellow, sinuous, narrow and adherent.

Edibility: reddening rowing – an edible mushroom belonging to category 4. Requires pre-boiling for 40 minutes to remove bitterness.

Similarities and differences: the description of the yellow-red row resembles the description of the poisonous and bitter brick-red honey agaric. The main difference between the brick-red mushroom and the yellow-red mushroom is the presence on the plates of a thin cobweb cover with the remains of a fringe, which looks like rare flakes on a leg. The plates are white, gray or greenish-yellow, in adults they are brown-green and even black-green. The hat of poisonous brick-red mushrooms has the shape of a bell, later becoming more rounded. The leg is curved, fused at the bottom with neighboring mushrooms.

Spread: a photo of a blushing row clearly shows that the fungus prefers coniferous trees and settles in their roots or near stumps. Fruiting time begins from late August to early November. It grows in temperate zones throughout Our Country, Europe and North America.

Pay attention to the video of yellow-red rowing in natural conditions in a pine forest:

Yellow-red rowing – Tricholomopsis rutilans

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