Maria Shumakova: latest news

The actress of the series “Hotel” Russia “Maria Shumakova told why her refrigerator is always empty and what the Kaushiki dance is.

October 24 2017

I dance and don’t freak out. For many years now I have been meditating for an hour and a half every day. And recently, thanks to the Internet, I accidentally discovered the Kaushiki dance. It is based on yoga, there are only 18 movements that need to be repeated for 21 minutes. I don’t know what happens to me when I dance, but after him my face starts to shine. Energy appears, the feminine psycho disappears somewhere. I highly recommend the dance to all young ladies.

I am doing what I love. Any person, whether he is a mathematician or an accountant, has creativity. Manifest it. Try, for example, writing a book about your family: you will suddenly discover your writing talent! Favorite work always saves from the blues. And it could be anything. If you liked sewing aprons at school labor lessons, sculpt, embroider, paint, cook, give your forgotten hobby a second life.

I wear a new color every day. I dress according to the Vedic tradition, according to which all days of the week have their own color. For example, on Monday is the day of the moon, it is better to dress in light colors and avoid dark ones, on Wednesday, the day of Mercury, green shades are preferred – and so on. The color of the planet brings harmony and positive energy. I have a large wardrobe, it has coats and jackets of the entire palette.

I take care of myself. Autumn is the best time for laser hair removal, because it can only be done if there is no sun outside and the skin is tanned. When you take care of yourself, the mood rises both from the process and from the result. Now almost every fitness center has a hammam or sauna. A warming spa and assorted wraps are a must when it’s cold outside.

I keep the refrigerator empty. If you are the type of person who loves to seize stress, and then worry about the piece of cake eaten, first, stop reproaching yourself. Feelings of guilt increase gluttony. Secondly, it is better to spend money on shopping or, say, beautiful lingerie, for which you will be pleased to lose weight. I have an empty refrigerator rule. Since I come late enough, and after eight in the evening it is undesirable to eat, I keep only fruits and avocados at home.

I put things off and sleep. I believe that a woman needs to allow herself to be lazy. Whenever I come home, I take off my heavy clothes and lie down for at least five minutes. And sleep is especially important for us, it has a positive effect both on mental health, which means you are less sad and nervous, and on your skin condition. Therefore, it is better to postpone meetings, some household chores for another day and just sleep.

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