Malaria nutrition

General description of the disease


Malaria is an infectious disease that occurs as a result of infection by the protozoa malaria plasmodia. The disease is carried by a mosquito from the genus Anopheles (habitat in Africa, Southeast Asia and South America). Also, you can contract the disease during pregnancy, childbirth, or through blood transfusion from a parasitic carrier.

Types of malaria

Depending on the type of pathogen, 4 types of malaria are distinguished:

  • Three-day malaria (causative agent – P. Vivax).
  • Oval malaria (causative agent – P. Ovale).
  • Four-day malaria (caused by P. Malariae).
  • Tropical malaria (causative agent – P. Falciparum).

Signs of malaria

malaise, drowsiness, headache, body aches, chills (blue face, limbs become cold), rapid pulse, shallow breathing, fever (40-41 ° C), profuse sweating, periodic attacks of fever, enlargement of the spleen and liver, anemia, recurrent course of the disease, vomiting, agitation, shortness of breath, delirium, collapse, confusion.

Complications of tropical malaria

infectious toxic shock, malarial coma, pulmonary edema, acute renal failure, hemoglobinuric fever, death.


Healthy foods for malaria

For malaria, different therapeutic diets should be used depending on the stage or form of the disease. In case of attacks of fever, diet No. 13 with plenty of drinking is recommended, in case of quinine-resistant forms of malaria – No. 9 + increased levels of vitamins C, PP and B1, in the period between attacks of fever – general diet No. 15.

With diet number 13, the following foods are recommended:

  • dried wheat bread made from premium flour, croutons;
  • puree meat soup, low-fat fish and meat broths with dumplings or egg flakes, slimy soups, weak soups, soup with rice, oatmeal, semolina, noodles and vegetables;
  • low-fat steamed meats and poultry, in the form of soufflé, mashed potatoes, cutlets, steamed meatballs;
  • lean fish, boiled or steamed, in one piece or chopped;
  • fresh cottage cheese, sour cream in dishes, sour milk drinks (acidophilus, kefir), mild grated cheese;
  • butter;
  • protein omelet or soft-boiled egg;
  • viscous, semi-liquid porridge in broth or milk (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • stewed or boiled vegetables in the form of caviar, ragout, mashed potatoes, steamed puddings, soufflés (carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, beets, pumpkin);
  • fruits and berries, in the form of mousses, mashed potatoes, fresh juices diluted with water (1: 1), compotes, fruit drinks, jelly;
  • weak coffee, rosehip broth or tea with lemon, milk;
  • jam, sugar, jam, honey, marmalade.

Sample menu for diet number 13

Early breakfast: oat milk porridge, lemon tea.

Late breakfast: rosehip decoction, steam protein omelet.

Dinner: mashed vegetable soup in meat broth (half a portion), steamed meat balls, rice porridge (half a portion), mashed compote.

Afternoon snack: baked apple.

Dinner: steamed fish, vegetable casserole, cottage cheese, weak tea with jam.

Before bedtime: kefir.

Traditional medicine for malaria

  • infusion of hop cones (insist 25 g of raw materials in 2 glasses of boiling water for an hour and a half, wrapping well, filter) take fifty ml during an attack of fever;
  • herbal infusion (twenty fresh lilac leaves, half a teaspoon of eucalyptus oil and one teaspoon of fresh wormwood per liter of vodka) take two tablespoons before meals;
  • infusion of sunflower (pour one finely crumbled head of a fading sunflower with vodka, insist in the sun for a month) take twenty drops before each attack of fever;
  • coffee broth (three teaspoons of finely ground roasted black coffee, two teaspoons of grated horseradish in two glasses of water, boil for twenty minutes), take half a glass hot twice a day for three days;
  • tea from fresh willow bark (half a teaspoon of bark in one and a half cups of water, boil up to 200 ml, add honey);
  • a decoction of fresh sunflower roots (200 grams of raw materials per liter of water, boil for twenty minutes, insist for three hours, filter) take half a glass three times a day;
  • infusion of radish (half a glass of black radish juice for half a glass of vodka) take one portion three times during one day, the second one in the morning the next day at a time (attention – when using this infusion, vomiting is possible!).

Dangerous and harmful foods for malaria

In case of attacks of fever, the following foods should be limited or excluded from the diet:

muffins, any fresh bread, rye bread; fatty varieties of poultry, meat, fish; fatty cabbage soup, broths or borscht; hot snacks; vegetable oil; smoked meats, sausages, canned fish and meat, salted fish; fried and hard boiled eggs; fatty sour cream, cream, whole milk and spicy fatty cheeses; pasta, barley and pearl barley porridge, millet; radish, white cabbage, legumes, radish; strong tea and coffee, alcoholic drinks.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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