Low-calorie foods: the zero-fat myth

The idea of ​​degreasing food was born in America. It all started with the fight against cholesterol – the main enemy, according to American scientists, not only of an ideal figure, but also of human health in general. For this reason, the United States has declared a real war on animal fat. True, at first she looked a little strange. Americans were encouraged to eat anything but animal fat. The extent to which this scheme for the health of the nation has brought is now known. The percentage of obese in the United States in particular and in the world as a whole has reached the limit. Total degreasing of products is already the final version of the project to combat obesity.

Today, experts from the American Dietetic Association raise concerns that skim milk, cottage cheese, cheese and yogurt can lead a person to a heart attack, diabetes mellitus and uncontrolled weight gain.

Happiness for everyone

Everyone who has lost weight is happy in different ways. All losing weight are unhappy in the same way: limit yourself in everything, count calories, live from food to food … Everyone wants to lose as much as possible and at the same time spend as little as possible on the process of losing weight. In this regard, low-calorie foods, or, as they are also called, “zero”, look like a kind of lifeline. It seems, according to the logic of things, eat them as much as you want, you still won’t get better. No exhausting hunger. But if everything were so simple … Light told us about the pitfalls of seductive products Elena Zuglova, nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences, deputy. chief physician for the medical work of the clinic “Nutrition and Health”. 




An incomplete list of all the charms

Trans fats, sweeteners, stabilizers – this is not a complete list. “?” – you ask. First of all, so that low-fat cottage cheese or kefir are stored longer. Another reason is that low-fat foods are not very tasty. Therefore, to make them more or less edible, all kinds of flavor enhancers are added. First of all, sweeteners. No, not sugar. After all, manufacturers understand that the buyer will be led to a sugar substitute – a less nutritious product. Only buyers do not always know that the most popular sugar substitutes in the food industry – fructose, sorbitol and xylitol – have only 1,5 times less calories than sugar. The only zero-calorie sweetener is sucralose… But it is rarely used in food production due to its high cost. 

Thus, for example, in 150 ml of low-fat yogurt, 250 kcal is obtained. That does not differ much from the calorie content of ordinary yogurt from milk of 2,5% fat. A buyer who does not study the composition may not even guess about this. And at the same time fall into a psychological trap: I bought a low-fat product, which means I can eat more of it. This is how extra pounds appear on a low-fat diet. 

The problem also lies in the fact that you may not find out the full list of the composition of the product. Some ingredients may not be listed. Officially, the manufacturer did not deceive you. It’s just that under our law, ingredients that shouldn’t be part of a product may not be on the ingredient list. Indeed, what should the vegetable fat do in ice cream, which, as you know, is made from an animal product – cow’s milk? 

There is only one way out: to focus exclusively on the shelf life. Long-lasting low-calorie dairy product without additives cannot be!

Fatal mistake

Many self-losing weight make another mistake – they completely switch to low-fat foods. “, – says Elena Zuglova. – “. 

For all of the above reasons, following a low-fat diet should only be done under the supervision of a nutritionist!

Until you reach the doctor, make up for the lack of fat at least with vegetable oils. Not palm – even if it is of good quality (food, not technical). Just because it is the least useful among other vegetable oils, it is significantly inferior to them in the content of polyunsaturated Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. By the way, it is not olive, as many people think, that wins, but linseed. But the ratio of vegetable and animal oils in the diet should ideally still be 50/50.

Low-calorie foods are not limited to the dairy section. Even baked goods can now be found with the trendy “” icon. The composition of such products should be studied especially carefully. Flour of the highest grade should not appear in them, at least in the first rows. Coarse grinding (wallpaper or peeled), rye, whole grain – please. The latter is obtained by one-time grinding of grain without further sifting, due to which the most useful elements of the grain are preserved in it. Again, look at sweeteners. Remember that the presence of fructose does not make a product low in calories. Separately, it should be said about the cakes marked “low-calorie”. This is just a confection in which some ingredients are replaced with less fatty or high-calorie ones than those used in a regular cake. Most often, these are low-fat cottage cheese and cream. The question is: what quality are they and how are they considered low-calorie? 

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