Don’t eat this: 7 of the most harmful Breakfasts

Breakfast is to Wake up the body, recharge his energy before lunch, to saturate important nutrients. Of course, it needs to be as useful as possible. We often eat these dishes for Breakfast, which shall not favor, and make us feel frustrated, sick, and… hungry. What should not eat in the morning?

1. Cereal, quick-cooking

Granola, dry cereal, beads, or filled with milk – is, of course, fast and convenient. However, this kind of breakfast contains in its composition a lot of sugar and fast carbohydrates. They instantly digested in the body, causing the feeling of hunger to occur within a few hours after this Breakfast.

2. Sweets, pastries

Sweets will increase the level of glucose in the blood, giving a bit of energy. But she abruptly leaves you in half an hour. Unsurprisingly, this “Breakfast” will not benefit the gastrointestinal tract or the body’s metabolic processes.

If you really want to eat sweet, it is better to eat marshmallows, marmalade, bitter chocolate, or candy. But to eat, that is, to eat them right after Breakfast. A sweet tooth at Breakfast can advise cheese with honey.

3. Vegetable salad

The fresh vegetable salad with vegetable oil would be a great option for lunch and dinner, but not Breakfast. In the morning in the body slowly produced enzymes for the processing of vegetables. In this regard, it is not excluded the consequences, such as bloating or cramps.

4. Orange juice

Citrus juice is a forbidden product to be consumed on an empty stomach. First, the use of various juice increases the acidity of the stomach. Second, citrus juices can irritate. Regular use of this product on an empty stomach can easily earn gastritis and other digestive tract diseases.

5. Sausage sandwich

Unfortunately, it is rare to find sausage meat products in the composition. For the most part, the sausage consists of starch, soy protein, flavorings, dyes, and other stuff; it’s not compatible with a healthy Breakfast.

6. Scrambled eggs and fried bacon

It would seem, egg and meat — the perfect option for those who want to get the morning a decent portion of protein. But not in the form of fried eggs, with the addition of fatty bacon. This dish will give you just the extra calories and difficulty in the digestive system. It is better to replace it with scrambled eggs with chicken and grated cheese.

7. Coffee and cigarette on an empty stomach

On an empty stomach, coffee can bring only harm to your body. This affects many organs, including the stomach, pancreas, and heart. Drink warm water, eat, and then drink your coffee.

Smoking is incompatible with the meal and the morning – even more so. Getting into the stomach, tobacco smoke destroys all the nutrients eaten for Breakfast, but if you smoke on an empty stomach or drinking coffee, so, cheers to you it is indifferent. Harmful food for Breakfast than a cigarette and coffee, think hard. Therefore, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, and stomach ulcers, sooner or later become companions fans of this mockery.

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