Lipiforma plus – dietary supplement lowering cholesterol. Lipiforma plus indications

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Fatty foods, preservatives, and irregular meals cause cholesterol test results to deviate from normal. That is why people who have problems with maintaining the proper concentration of cholesterol in the blood can take advantage of dietary supplements, such as Lipiforma plus, whose task is to support the maintenance of cholesterol in the norm.

Lipiforma Plus – what is it

Lipiforma Plus is a dietary supplement that contains a health-promoting component in its biochemical composition. Thanks to it, the preparation supports the work of the cardiovascular system and helps to maintain the correct level of cholesterol in the blood and helps in the prevention of hypercholesterolemia. Lipiforma Plus is a dietary supplement intended only for adults.

What ingredients does LipiForma Plus contain – the leaflet

LipiformaPlus contains the following ingredients:

  1. coenzyme Q10 – is a chemical compound from the group of cofactors. This substance is found in every cell of the body, it is well soluble in fats and alcohol. It is responsible for the production of energy in the cell’s mitchondrium and is especially important for the heart and skeletal muscles. Coenzyme Q10 also prevents the deepening of wrinkles.
  2. Monacolin K – is a bioactive ingredient found in red fermented rice. It has a similar mechanism of action as statins and reduces total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Monacoline can be used by people with low or moderate cardiac risk dyslipaemia. Treatment with the use of the ingredient does not cause muscle pain.
  3. Vitamin B6 – its participation is necessary, among others in the transformation of amino acids and protein synthesis. Increases the absorption of magnesium ions by up to 40%. Supports the treatment of anemia and kidney disease. Vitamin B6 supplementation is recommended for people taking medications for a long time. It also supports the immune system and helps maintain proper blood pressure.
  4. Vitamin B12 – supports the production of nucleic acids and red blood cells. It also influences the metabolic reactions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is needed by pregnant women because it allows folic acid to get the right form. The deficiency of the ingredient results in many diseases of the circulatory, digestive and nervous systems.
  5. Chromium – is a microelement that takes part in many metabolic processes. It regulates the sensitivity of cells to insulin and the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. Chromium also supports the process of reducing unnecessary kilograms due to the fact that it increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin. It also regulates blood sugar levels. Chromium contains many dietary supplements intended for people with diabetes.
  6. Folic acid – is a synthetic form of vitamin B9. The body converts folic acid into its new, biologically active form. The ingredient is involved in the synthesis of nucleotides involved in the production of DNA, regulates the level of homocysteine ​​and is an important element of spermatogenesis. Its deficiency causes anemia and negatively affects the nervous system. It is also an important ingredient for the baby developing in the mother’s womb.

How does Lipiforma Plus work?

Monacolin K contained in the preparation inhibits the activity of the main enzyme involved in the process of cholesterol synthesis. When there is a reduction of said enzyme, the consequence is also a decrease in the activity of the synthesis of cholesterol particles. As a result, the liver cells are stimulated to capture the bad LDL cholesterol particles from the blood.

Vitamins B6 and B12 supplement any deficiencies in the body of the person taking the preparation. They also take part in the proper metabolism of homocysteine ​​and energy metabolism. In turn, chromium supports the process of metabolism of glucose and other macronutrients. Folic acid, like B vitamins, is also involved in the metabolism of homocysteine.

What are the contraindications to the use of Lipiforma Plus?

The dietary supplement should not be used by people who are allergic to even one ingredient of the product. Certain diseases may contraindicate the use of the drug. For this reason, people undergoing pharmacological therapy should consult the attending physician before taking Lipiforma Plus. Although there are no data on the safety of the preparation by pregnant or breastfeeding women, they should also consult a doctor before taking the drug.

In what doses should the Lipiforma Plus dietary supplement be taken?

Lipiforma Plus is a preparation for oral use. Adults should take 1 tablet once a day. This dose should not be exceeded – taking the supplement in excess will not increase its effectiveness, and in some cases it may even pose a threat to health and life. Both before starting the treatment with the use of the preparation, and in case of doubts already during it, always consult a doctor or pharmacist.

What safety measures should be observed while using LipiForma Plus?

It is worth knowing that the use of the preparation by children may have a negative impact on their health and life – Lipiforma Plus contains dyes. The supplement should not be taken also by pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, people with active liver disease or increased levels of serum transaminases. Before you start taking the preparation, you should determine the amount of cholesterol in your blood and inform your doctor about it.

It is not recommended to use LipiForma Plus simultaneously with other drugs lowering cholesterol and lipid-lowering drugs. It will also be harmful to take the drug and drink grapefruit juice at the same time. Remember that a dietary supplement will never replace a healthy, balanced diet. Taking the preparation itself will not bring good health benefits, if it is not combined with taking care of physical activity.

What are the symptoms of hypercholesterolaemia?

Hypercholesterolaemia is a disorder of the body’s lipid metabolism. Its manifestation is an increased concentration of cholesterol in the blood plasma. The disease is the result of faulty metabolism, which results in abnormal fat metabolism in the body (dyslipidemia). After some time, atherosclerotic changes occur – and this is a serious risk factor in causing heart attacks and strokes.

Treatment of the disease is mainly related to changing habits, e.g. changing the lifestyle and introducing a diet containing healthy products. Thanks to them, the metabolism of fats in the body is regulated. Sometimes doctors recommend statin therapy. However, if they do not bring the desired results, then the patient should use esitmibes and ion exchange resins instead.

What is high cholesterol and what are its symptoms?

We can talk about high cholesterol when its value exceeds 200 milligrams per deciliter. Contrary to appearances, this is not a health problem that is easy to spot. However, some characteristic symptoms are, for example, yellowish lumps at the corners of the eyes, in the bends of the wrists, elbows and knees. People with too high cholesterol also have problems concentrating, are overweight and obese.

Sometimes high cholesterol is noticeable when the diagnosis of coronary heart disease is made. Symptoms are choking pain in the chest, sometimes moving towards the breastbone and shoulder. The patient begins to experience dizziness, nausea, numbness in the hands and palpitations. Sometimes pain begins to appear during exercise or while resting.

How to maintain normal blood cholesterol levels?

  1. Diet

The high level of cholesterol in blood is caused by factors such as age or overweight. This is a problem for both seniors and young people. In order to maintain the correct concentration of cholesterol in the blood, it is necessary to take care of a proper diet and supplementation – it is worth having the diet prepared by an internist or dietitian. However, you can also do it on your own – make sure your menu includes sour fruit, vegetables, vegetable oils, olive oil and possibly meat from a proven source.

Fish is an important component of a healthy diet. This product is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are especially helpful in keeping cholesterol at the proper level. Sea fish, such as mackerel, herring, tuna and salmon, contain most of it. It is also worth reaching for whole grains and reducing or completely eliminating animal fats.

  1. Physical activity

Physical activity is one of the most important elements of cholesterol prevention. Ideally, these should be outdoor exercises. Performing regular exercise will be beneficial for both seniors and the elderly – however, older people should not choose exercise sets with a too high level of difficulty, so as not to overwhelm the body. It is worth going for walks, Nordic walking, cycling, swimming and exercising.

Choose those exercises that you enjoy doing and at the same time are within your physical abilities. If you live in a block of flats with an elevator, just giving it up will have health benefits. Equally helpful will be giving up driving in favor of a bicycle or walking – even once a week. If you do not know how to adjust physical activity to your health condition, use the help of a personal trainer.

  1. Resignation from stimulants

In order to maintain an optimal cholesterol level, it is advisable to give up stimulants – the sooner you do it, the better health you will be able to enjoy in your old age. It is advisable to completely give up nicotine, coffee and alcohol. While drinking one coffee a day or a glass of wine from time to time should not pose a threat to your health, smoking is already harmful.

  1. Ability to deal with stress

Chronic stress raises cholesterol and causes high blood pressure. That’s why it’s advisable to learn how to discharge it in a healthy way and balance it. A particularly beneficial way to do this is by talking to a loved one, walking or praying. It was established that people who care about the spiritual life, that is, pray regularly, have a thicker cerebral cortex. To reduce stress, it is also worth being among kind people.

To make sure your cholesterol levels are right, take care of yourself as best you can and have your cholesterol tested at least once a year. For information on this subject, it is worth visiting a doctor or dietitian. The best way to lower the level of bad cholesterol or make sure it does not occur is to maintain healthy eating habits, exercise and give up stimulants.

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