
Life difficulties are obstacles on the way to achieving the goal, requiring effort and effort to overcome them. Difficulties are different. One difficulty is to find a toilet when needed, another difficulty is to stay alive when there is practically no chance for this …

Usually people do not like difficulties, but some people meet some difficulties and even the failures that accompany them with joy. Difficult is not always undesirable. A person can rejoice in life’s difficulties when these difficulties and failures open up new opportunities for him, give him the opportunity to test his own strengths, the opportunity to learn, gaining new experience.

From Carol Dweck’s Mind Flexible:

When I was a young aspiring scientist, an event occurred that changed my whole life.

I was passionate about understanding how people deal with their failures. And I began to study this by watching how younger students solve difficult problems. So, I invited the little ones one by one to a separate room, asked them to make themselves comfortable, and when they relaxed, I gave them a series of puzzles to solve. The first tasks were quite simple, but then they became more and more difficult. And while the students puffed and sweated, I watched their actions and reactions. I assumed that children would behave differently when trying to cope with difficulties, but I saw something completely unexpected.

Faced with more serious tasks, one ten-year-old boy pulled a chair closer to the table, rubbed his hands, licked his lips and declared: “I love difficult problems!” Another boy, having sweated a lot over the puzzle, raised his pleased face and concluded weightily: “You know, I hoped so — it would be educational!”

“But what is the matter with them?” I couldn’t understand. It never crossed my mind that failure could please someone. Are these kids aliens? Or do they know something? I soon realized that these children know that human abilities, such as intellectual skills, can be honed with effort. And that’s what they were doing — getting smarter. Failure did not discourage them at all — it did not even occur to them that they were failing. They thought they were just learning.

Such a positive, or rather constructive, attitude towards the difficulties in life is typical, first of all, for people in the position of the Author and with a growth mindset.

How to overcome life’s difficulties

The film «Terrible»

A psychologically difficult situation does not have to be lived with an unhappy face and difficult experiences. Strong people know how to keep themselves always.

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Everyone has difficulties in life, but it is not at all necessary to make unhappy or desperate eyes, blame yourself or others, groan and pretend to be tired. These are not natural experiences, but the learned behavior and bad habit of a person living in the position of the Victim.

The worst thing you can do is sink into despair, apathy, despondency or hopelessness. Despondency in Christianity is a mortal sin, and hopelessness is a gloomy experience with which weak people harm themselves in order to take revenge on life and others.

To overcome life’s difficulties, you need mental strength, intelligence and mental flexibility. Men are more characterized by mental strength, women by mental flexibility, and smart people show both. Be strong and flexible!

​If you see problems in the difficulties you are facing, you will most likely feel heaviness and worry. If in the same situation you see what happened as a task, you will simply solve it, as you solve any problem: by analyzing the data and thinking about how to quickly come to the desired result. Usually, all you need to do is pull yourself together (get yourself together), analyze resources (think about what or who can help), think through possibilities (paths), and take action. Simply put, turn on your head and move in the right direction, see Solving life problems.

Typical difficulties in self-development

Those who have been engaged in self-development, self-development, also know the typical difficulties: the new is scary, there are many doubts, many things do not work right away, but you want everything at once — we scatter, sometime we calm down on the illusion of the result, sometime we go astray and return to the old course . What to do with it? See →

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