Jumping rope: efficiency, pros and cons, exercises, lesson plan

Jumping rope is familiar to many girls with physical education lessons in school. And its relevance is not lost over time: skipping rope is still one of the most popular tools for practicing cardio workouts. To do with a rolling pin fun, useful and not difficult. Regular exercise with a skipping rope help burn fat, develop endurance and strengthen the muscles of the body.

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Jumping rope for weight loss

Among the variety of fitness equipment jump rope is the most affordable and compact device. We offer you the most detailed material on training with a rolling pin: what is their benefit for losing weight how to jump rope and how to build a lesson with a rope so that it is useful for weight-loss.

Before turning to the characteristics of the classes, let us look at the benefits of training with a skipping rope for weight loss and for health.

The advantages of jumping rope

  1. Jumping rope is one of the most energy-intensive types of training. For example, according to American research, this type of fitness allows you to burn up to 1,000-1,200 kcal per hour of study. High performance rope for weight loss explains its popularity among those engaged.
  2. Jumping rope is a good option for cardio exercise to improve endurance, weight reduction, improvement of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Due to the variety of exercises you will be able to build an effective workout that involves intervals of high and low intensity.
  3. In addition to cardio exercise jumping rope lead tone a large number of muscles throughout the body: the muscles of the legs, arms, buttocks, shoulders, stomach and back.
  4. Jump rope is very compact sports gear that doesn’t take up much space. You can always take it with me on the street or even on vacation. Its convenience in this respect, the rope can be compared unless only with a fitness band.
  5. Jumping rope is particularly effective in reducing the volume of the lower body. Locally it is very difficult to lose weight, but increase blood flow to the “problematic” part of the body gives additional positive effect and helps burn fat. No wonder it is believed that plyometric (jumping) exercises are the most useful for weight loss in the legs.
  6. Jumping rope in addition to weight loss, improve coordination, balance, agility and sense of balance that will come in handy in everyday life and when practicing other sports.
  7. Jump rope is one of the most inexpensive tools for fitness, which is available to everyone. And you can do with a rope anywhere in the room and on the street. For training you need only a little space around you.
  8. Jumping rope is not only useful, but also fun. No wonder the equipment is so popular with children.
  9. Workout with skipping rope strengthens the muscles that surround the ankle and foot. For example, while playing basketball, tennis, skiing, football and other sports often injured ankle because of the strong pressure on the ligaments and muscles. Regular use of skipping ropes help in the prevention of limb injuries.

Cons of jumping rope

We can not say about the disadvantages of the jumping rope, as well as to warn about potential contraindications, of which there is a sufficient number.

  1. For jumping rope you need to have either enough space and spaciousness in the room, or the ability to do on the street.
  2. In addition, the jumps generate noise, so if you live in an apartment building, then engaged with a rolling pin at home will be uncomfortable.
  3. Jumping rope puts a load on knee joints and ligaments, so if you are prone to such injury, these exercises should be avoided.
  4. Failure to comply with equipment jumping exercises give a strong burden on his back, and lower back that can lead to health problems.
  5. Jumping rope not suitable for everyone and have a number of contraindications, which are very important to remember.

Contraindications for jumping rope:

  • Pregnancy and the postnatal period
  • Overweight (obesity second and third degree)
  • Varicose veins and other vascular disease
  • Serious diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • High blood pressure
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and spine
  • Diseases of the joints
  • Eye problems, severe vision impairment
  • Asthma

If you have other chronic diseases, before jumping rope it is better to consult a specialist. Remember that as cardio exercise for getting rid of excess weight you can even use an ordinary walk. Not necessarily to do shock workouts to lose weight and get in good shape.

Cardio workout for beginners and advanced

The efficiency of the rope for weight loss

The effectiveness of jumping rope for weight loss is not questioned. This is a great kind of cardio exercise that will raise your heart rate and start the fat loss process. If you want to lose weight, combine jumping rope with a moderate diet (deficit of calories) and after a few weeks you will notice a positive result.

So, what is the use of jump ropes for weight loss:

  • high calorie burning
  • accelerating the fat loss process
  • strengthening the muscles (especially the legs)
  • acceleration of metabolic processes

We recommend you to engage on an interval basis. For example, alternate jumping intensive, the jumps in the easy mode. Interval training will give better results in less time than standard training.

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A plan how to jump rope for weight loss

We offer you a ready-made training plans of jumping rope for weight loss, which assume an interval load. You are waiting for the following intervals: high intensity, medium intensity, low intensity.

In this case, you will alternate jumping rope (choose the ones that are available to you), the rope running in place and walking in place without the rope. Perform these intervals on a circle according to a given amount of time. Every 5 minutes take a rest of 1-2 minutes.

Engage on the proposed programs 4-5 times a week, possibly combining cardio load with strength training. You can always adjust the plan of jumping rope for weight loss or to compile it yourself depending on your capabilities.

For beginners:

For intermediate level:

Advanced level:

If you feel that you do not fit the plan of jumping rope for weight loss, try to adjust certain parameters, for example:

  • the total duration of training;
  • the frequency of jumps in 1 minute;
  • time approaches or rest between sets.

10 rules of jumping rope and tips for beginners

Jumping rope is considered less harmful load on the joints than running or plyometric shock workout. However, that lesson was really safe, you need to observe exercise and to follow certain rules:

1. Always jump rope in running shoes. This will help reduce impact on your joints and reduce the risk of injury.

2. Engage in comfortable athletic-fitting clothes preferably of a type which will not interfere with the rotation of the rope. For women it is preferable to wear a bra or a training bra to maintain the breast during the execution of the jumping exercises.

3. How to choose the length of the rope? Stand in front of the rope, as shown in the figure below. If the correct length of the handle should be at the level of your armpits, not below and not above. If there is no opportunity to “try on” the rope, you can focus on growth.

4. Before class warm up with a light run or walk in place 3-5 minutes. After training, run the hitch and stretch the muscles within 3-5 minutes. You can see our selection of warm-up exercises.

5. Be sure to follow the position of the body while jumping rope. The back should be straight, body tight, shoulders are down and relaxed, elbows should be placed close to your body. Keep your head upright and do not lean forward during the jump. The breath remains smooth and not delayed.

6. No need to jump high and shock to land on the floor. Your jumps should be low and light, knees stay soft and slightly bent.

Do not need:

It may have a negative impact on the lower back, ankle and knees.

Compare, here , the correct execution, such soft landings and aspire to:

7. Remember that it is better to do fewer quality jumps than to do more, but without the proper equipment.

8. Drink plenty of water during class. During cardio workouts, your body loses a lot of moisture, which can cause dehydration.

9. If you are involved in sports for a long time or have health problems, it is better to consult a doctor before you begin intensive training with a jump rope.

10. Make a few trial sessions with the jump rope for 5-10 minutes and examine their condition after such exercise within one to two days after. Discomfort or pain in the joints, shortness of breath, heart palpitations — these are symptoms that will be the bell to limit the jumping rope or not to exclude them.

Exercises with a rope for weight loss

In addition to the standard single jumps, which are shown above, there are a number of interesting exercises with a skipping rope that will help you to diversify the training and make it not just effective, but also fun.

If you follow the plan above, try to alternate different types of jumps. Due to this, the body won’t be able to adapt to stress, and that means you will work at the maximum.

1. Double jump rope. If you are just learning to jump rope, you can start with this exercise: for one round of rotation of the rope you make two slow of a jump.

2. Running in place with a rope. An easier exercise than jumping, you can do as an active rest to recover breath.

3. Jumping from side to side. Just jump from side to side with every rotation of the rope.

4. Jumping rope “skier”. Raise the foot with each rotation of the rope style walking on the track.

5. Jumping on one foot. Please note that this exercise provides stress on the ankle.

6. Jumping rope with a cross. Exercise for advanced, when every second jump goes with the crossing of hands.

How to choose a jump rope for training

If you have decided to start doing jump rope for weight loss or exercise the heart, then it’s time to think what kind of rope to choose? On the market of fitness equipment offers a wide selection of skipping ropes of different functionality.

1) Simple skipping ropes

This is the most common rope, which is familiar to us from childhood. There will be no additional functions and features. The price of this rope is quite small, so it will suit those who still doubt about purchasing jump ropes or for those who just want to jump in “without problems”.

The material of manufacture of cord and rope handles could be totally different. And this will largely depend on its price. Meet some skipping ropes with adjustable length, which is especially important if you purchase a jump rope for the whole family.


2) Rope with built in counter

These skipping ropes in the handles mounted in a special counter which counts the number of spins, and hence made jumps. Rope with built in counter incredibly convenient, and for tracking progress in the classroom, and to fix the results.

You will know exactly how many jumps did. You don’t need to set a stopwatch or count the number of jumps manually, all data will be recorded. There are also rope with an electronic counter that can also display the duration of the session of jumps, and calories burned.


3) Speed skipping ropes

But this type of jump rope is ideal for weight loss. Due to the high speed you will make more turns, which means to train more effectively. Professionals when performing exercises with the speed rope can develop the speed up to 5-6 times a second! Length in such ropes are usually adjustable.

Speed skipping ropes are not suitable to perform complex exercises (jumps with crossing arms, double jumps, etc.). But these skipping ropes will appeal to those who like to do intense workouts. By the way, jumping speed skipping ropes are very popular in crossfit, and that’s saying a lot.


4) Weighted jump ropes

Another improved version of this fitness equipment – weighted jump rope. The weight of such ropes will be sensitively higher in comparison with other analogues. Jump rope made heavier by adding weight in the handle or the weight of the cord. The weight of such ropes can even reach three pounds. For some models, weight can adjust itself involved in.

Weighted jump ropes are more suitable for experienced involved in, which is not enough load with a conventional rope. And for those who want to additionally load the muscles of the upper part of the body.

5) Leather rope

In leather rope cord is made of leather. What is the peculiarity of these skipping ropes? By reducing the weight of the cord and increase the weight of the handle takes place a specific load on the muscles of the upper body.

When the cord rope is light in weight, it spins slower. Therefore, to increase speed, you have to exert more effort. While the main burden falls on the shoulder girdle. Skipping ropes are popular even among professional athletes, for example, among boxers.


5 ready video training with a skipping rope for weight loss

If you don’t like to make their own lesson plan, we offer you 5 finished effective video workouts with a skipping rope. All you need is to include the video and follow the exercises together with coach. Classes will take you from 7 to 20 minutes. You can repeat a short video of 3-4 round to come out a full training program.

1. FitnessBlender: Quick Sweat Cardio Fat Burn (7 minutes)

Interval workout from FitnessBlender lasts only 7 minutes, but includes a variety of exercises with a rope. Coach Kelly offers you the following scheme: 25 seconds intense work – 10 seconds active rest.

Three pre-made workout from FitnessBlender

Quick Sweat Cardio Fat Burn - Fun Jump Rope Workout

2. Popsugar: Jump Rope Workout (10 minutes)

Anna Renderer, Creator of the youtube channel and Popsugar, offers short training session with a jump rope, which includes several variants of exercises with this equipment. Between sets you are waiting for a little stop, therefore, to sustain the occupation as a whole everyone can.

Top 20 cardio workouts from Popsugar

10-Minute Jump Rope Workout | Cardio Workout | Class FitSugar

3. Ekaterina Kononova, Jumping rope (30 minutes)

A very effective cardio workout in Russian rope offers Ekaterina Kononova. You are waiting for fat burning exercises which are performed on an interval basis. Perfect for weight loss!

10 videos for weight loss without jumping from Ekaterina Kononova

Скакалка для быстрого похудения. Прыжки и упражнения со скакалкой.

4. Anelia Skripnik: Jumping rope (20 minutes)

Anelia Skripnik offers a set of exercises with a skipping rope, which are aimed at weight loss and fat burning in the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and other problem areas. A great fat-burning cardio workout for 20 minutes.

20 TABATA training from Anelie Skripnik

Прыжки на скакалке| ХУДЕЕМ ВМЕСТЕ СО МНОЙ!

5. Amanda Kloots: Jump Rope Workout (20 minutes)

Interesting and a very rich training you will receive, if you enjoyed this video from Amanda Klotz. You are waiting for a interval load, in which high-intensity exercises alternated with low intensity.

20-Minute Jump Rope Workout

Jumping rope is not just child’s play … and a real workout for burning calories and developing cardiovascular system. Jump rope will help you to use all of it with the greatest emphasis on the muscles of the legs and shoulders. The effectiveness of jumping rope for weight loss has never been questioned: you will be able to accelerate fat burning, boost endurance, tone muscles and reduce the volume of the body.

See also:

  • Crossfit: what is it, benefits and harms, circuit training and how to prepare
  • TABATA training: 10 ready-made exercises for weight loss
  • Cardio workout for fat loss: facts, characteristics, exercises

1 Comment

  1. ከኘከኘጰገኸመቀኘኸጠፈጠጰገጰሐየወመኸኘጸጠፈሐዘነዘጠኸጠቀነበጠጸጠኸነወአወሠወኘኸጠኸከኘቀሐቀቀነኸከከከከከነኸሐቀመሸመቀሐሸነጨሠለሶስቨየሞሠሰቀቮቬቪቬአወዘከጠአከወዠአጀቨአወዠኸደ


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