Vata, Pitta, Kapha, or Health is Balance

At the heart of the Ayurvedic principle of treatment is the concept of balance. And in order to understand how to restore health to the body, you first need to find out what is out of balance. Each of us is born with a genetically determined constitution (prakriti). The predominance of one or another dosha in the body determines our strengths and weaknesses. Given from birth, the constitution of our body does not change. However, the path of life and circumstances often lead us to an internal imbalance. This is where the seeds of disease take root. Vata, Pitta and Kapha, in the language of Ayurveda, are the three doshas of our body (more on each of them will be discussed below). Most people are dominated by one or a mixture of two doshas. On rare occasions, all three doshas are in near-perfect balance. According to yoga and Ayurveda, a person, like the entire physical world, is based on five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. People with a predominance, as a rule, are endowed with a thin physique, they are active. They often lack stamina for extended periods of time, and are therefore prone to stimulants such as caffeine or sugar. Vata is characterized by dryness and creakiness of the joints. Anxiety, hyperactivity, curiosity and creativity are the hallmarks of Vata dominant individuals. This constitution is also characterized by rapid, chaotic speech and frequent changes in the mood of consciousness. Vata represents the elements Air and Ether, and is the leading and also the most difficult to control among the three doshas. Vata governs all movement in the body, from transporting substances across cell membranes to any physical movement. It is extremely important for representatives of Vata dosha to observe regularity and rhythm in their lifestyle. This dosha is located in the nervous system. Dominant faces have a well-balanced figure with a developed muscular carset. As a rule, their skin is predisposed to hypersensitivity. They are active, especially in sports, passionate, dedicated and very competitive. Pitta is also characterized by intolerance and irritability. Pitta represents the elements of Fire and Water. The main qualities of Pitta are heat, sharpness, oiliness. Pitta governs digestion, assimilation and metabolism at all levels. Being in balance, Pitta is characterized by intelligence and understanding. Pitta personalities tend to be goal-oriented, ambitious, natural born leaders. People with dominant tend to have large bones and bodies, thick hair, strong, large teeth, and attractive, and again large, eyes. Kapha represents the elements of Earth and Water. Kapha movements are slow and graceful. They are not predisposed to irritability, which allows other people to be loyal to them. From a physical point of view, Kapha tends to be overweight. Among the three doshas, ​​Kapha is the most stable. The dislocation of Kapha in the body is bones, muscles and fatty tissues. Being in balance, Kapha represents poise, compassion, calmness, forgiveness, great endurance, but needs motivation to move. Out of balance, this dosha is characterized by slow digestion, which leads to weight gain, greed, possessiveness, and excessive attachment to things and people. To maintain the balance of the three doshas in the body, there are tools such as yoga, pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation.

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