
General description of the disease


This is the most common symptom of various diseases, which is overheating of the human body. It is a protective reaction of the body against the penetration of various bacteria and viruses into it. This process can be considered launched when the body temperature reaches above 37 degrees.

The reasons for the development of hyperthermia

An increase in body temperature occurs due to the course of any pathological process. Basically, these are inflammatory processes or a violation of the thermoregulation of the brain due to the influence of external and internal factors.

Hyperthermia can occur due to the presence of inflammatory or viral diseases of the respiratory tract, ENT organs, diseases of the peritoneum and retroperitoneal space. Also, a rise in temperature can provoke acute food or chemical poisoning, purulent lesions of soft tissues, stress, a stroke or heart attack, sun or heat stroke in hot or humid weather (both in young people, with strong physical activity and overstrain, and in people old age, overweight people, chronic diseases and hormonal imbalances).

Against the background of the above diseases, there are disturbances between heat transfer and heat production.


Hyperthermia symptoms

In addition to increased body temperature, the patient has increased sweating, drowsiness, weakness, tachycardia, and rapid breathing. In extremely rare cases, there may be an agitated state.

Children may have clouding of consciousness or even loss of consciousness, and convulsions may begin. As for adults, such states can also be observed in them at a very high temperature (from 40 degrees).

In addition, the symptoms of the disease that directly led to hyperthermia are added to this entire clinical picture.

Types of hyperthermia

Depending on body temperature, hyperthermia can be: subfebrile (the patient’s temperature rises to the level of 37,2-38 degrees Celsius), moderate febrile (t ranges from 38,1 to 39 degrees), high febrile (body temperature is in the range from 39,1 to 41 ° C) and hypertemic (from 41,1 degrees).

By its duration, hyperthermia can be: ephemeral (short-term, an increase in temperature is observed for a couple of hours to two days), acute (duration 14-15 days), subacute (the temperature lasts about one and a half months), chronic (the temperature is elevated for more than 45 days).

In its manifestations, hyperthermia can be pink (red) or white.

With pink hyperthermia, heat production is equal to heat transfer. This type is more common in children. With pink fever, a red rash may appear on the skin, the limbs are warm and moist, there is an increase in heart rate and respiration, and antipyretic drugs may be taken. If rubbing with cool water is carried out, “goose bumps” do not appear. It should be noted that at a sufficiently high temperature level, the general condition of the child is stable and the behavior is normal.

But with white hyperthermia, the return of heat is less than heat production, a spasm of peripheral arterioles and blood vessels begins. Because of this, the patient has cold limbs, chills, the skin becomes pale, lips and nails acquire a bluish tint, and delusional states are possible. The effect of taking antipyretic drugs is insignificant, the state is sluggish despite the low readings on the thermometer. This type of hyperthermia is most common in adults.

Complications of hyperthermia

The most terrible manifestations are convulsions and sudden loss of consciousness.

The risk zone includes people and children with cardiovascular diseases. They can also be fatal.

Prevention of hyperthermia

It is necessary to carefully monitor your health, to prevent overheating, exhaustion, to avoid stressful situations, conflicts and in hot weather to dress in things made of natural fabrics and loose fit, be sure to cover your head with a panama hat and a cap in sunny weather.

Useful products for hyperthermia

First of all, you need to know that the patient needs sparing nutrition, it is better to eat less at one meal, but there should be more of these techniques. Dishes are best prepared by boiling, stewing and stewing. With a weak appetite, you do not need to “stuff” the patient with food.

Also, drink plenty of fluids. Indeed, often at high temperatures, increased sweating is observed, which means that if nothing is done, then it is not far from dehydration.

To lower the temperature, it is necessary to eat foods containing vitamin C and salicylic acid. You need to eat dates, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, tomatoes, cucumbers, citrus fruits, cherries, black currants, cherries, kiwi, raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, black tea, yellow or red peppers, sweet potatoes, spices (curry, thyme, turmeric, rosemary, saffron, paprika). In addition, this list of products will not allow the blood to thicken (which is very important for people with heart and vascular diseases – blood clots cannot form).

Foods rich in zinc, magnesium, beta-carotene, folic acid will help increase immunity and kill germs with viruses. These are seafood, eggs, not fatty meat (it is better to cook broth with it), spinach, watermelon, peaches, grapefruit (it is better to choose pink), asparagus, beets, mangoes, carrots, cauliflower, apricot, cantaloupe (musky), pumpkin.

With nasal congestion, chicken broth helps well (it prevents the development of neutrophils – cells that cause inflammation of the mucous membrane).

Products rich in vitamin E will help reduce irritation and relieve dryness: vegetable oils (corn, sunflower, peanut), salmon, lobster, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, fish oil.

Traditional medicine for hyperthermia

First of all, it is necessary to determine what caused the hyperthermia and only then begin treatment and elimination of symptoms.

Regardless of the reasons, there are a few rules to follow.

At first, a person should not be overly wrapped and covered with several blankets or feather beds. It should be dressed in natural fabrics and should not be tight (this will help maintain heat exchange at a normal level, because a simple fabric will absorb all sweat).

Secondly, it is necessary to wipe the patient with cool water or water with vinegar (1 tablespoon of 1% vinegar is required for 6 liter of water). You can also use full wraps from herbal decoctions. Extracts of St. John’s wort, yarrow and chamomile have a good antipyretic effect. A cotton sheet is taken, moistened in broth or cool water. She is wrapped around the body, legs (except for the feet and hands). Then the body is wrapped in another sheet, but already dry. They also wear soaked socks on their feet, put on more socks over them (already dry and preferably woolen), then cover them with a warm blanket or blanket. With all this, hands and face are left open. The wrapping time should be at least 30 minutes and the body temperature should not be lower than 38 degrees. During the wrapping of the patient, it is necessary to drink warm water or broth. This cold wrap can also be used for children. After 30 minutes, take a warm shower and wipe dry. Go to bed to rest. If you have no strength at all, then you can rub it with warm water. Dry yourself well, dress in simple clothes and go to bed.

ThirdlyIf your lips are chapped, they should be lubricated with a mild baking soda solution, petroleum jelly, or another lip product. To prepare a soda solution for lubricating lips, it will be enough to dilute 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 250 milliliters of water.

Fourthly, if the patient suffers from severe headaches, you can apply cold to the head (an ice pack or a pre-frozen heating pad). It is worth remembering that before applying cold to the forehead, it is necessary to put a dry towel or diaper folded in 3 layers on it. In addition, inert gel packs are sold at the pharmacy. They need to be refrigerated and can be applied to any part of the body, moreover, they can be used more than once. Another plus – such packages take on the contours of the body.

The fifth rule: “Water temperature should be equal to body temperature (± 5 degrees)”. If you follow this rule, the liquid will be absorbed immediately, rather than heating or cooling to stomach temperature. As a drink, you can also use warm decoctions of licorice roots, linden flowers, rose hips, black currants, lingonberries, raspberries, strawberries (their leaves and twigs are also suitable).

Orange has good antipyretic properties (it contains salicylic acid of natural origin). To prepare a miracle drink, you will need 5 orange slices (medium size) and 75 milliliters of warm boiled water. You need to let the drink brew for 40 minutes. After the time has elapsed, drink. You can drink it every time you start to have a fever.

Another tasty and effective medicine is a banana and raspberry mixture. For cooking, you need to take 1 banana and 4 tablespoons of fresh or frozen raspberries, grind everything in a blender or grind through a sieve. Immediately after preparation, this mixture must be eaten (it cannot be kept for a long time, you must eat it freshly prepared, otherwise all vitamins will go away). There are no restrictions on admission.


These methods are simple but effective. They allow you to reduce the temperature by at least 0,5-1 degrees. But there are times when you should not expect deterioration and you should immediately seek qualified help and call an ambulance.

Let’s consider these cases.

If, within 24 hours, an adult’s temperature remains at a level of 39 and above, or due to hyperthermia, breathing is disturbed, confused consciousness or abdominal pains or vomiting, delayed urine output, or other disruptions in the body’s work is present, an ambulance must be called urgently.

Children need to carry out the above measures at a temperature above 38 degrees (if the general condition is disturbed, then you can start the procedure at a temperature of 37,5). If a child has a rash, convulsions and hallucinations began, breathing difficulties, an ambulance should be called urgently. While the ambulance is traveling, if the child has seizures, he must be placed on his back so that his head is turned to the side. You need to open a window, unfasten your clothes (if it squeezes too much), protect it from possible injuries in case of convulsions, and it is imperative to monitor your tongue (so that it cannot suffocate with it).

Dangerous and harmful foods for hyperthermia

  • fatty, salty, fried foods;
  • alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks, coffee, packaged juices and nectars;
  • sweet (especially pastries and cakes with pastry cream);
  • freshly baked rye bread and baked goods;
  • broths, soups and borscht cooked on fatty meats (on duck, lamb, pork, goose – such meat should also be excluded from the patient’s diet);
  • too spicy sauces, mayonnaise, horseradish, mustard, mayonnaise, sausages, canned food (especially store food);
  • mushrooms;
  • margarine;
  • foods to which you are allergic;
  • products with additives, flavor enhancers, odor enhancers, with dyes, E-coding.

These products are too heavy for the stomach, the body will spend time and energy on processing them, and not on fighting the disease. Also, these products irritate the mucous membrane, and this can aggravate a runny nose, cough (if any). As for the rejection of sweets, the sugar that is present in their composition kills leukocytes (they are one of the main fighters against viruses and bacteria). Alcoholic drinks and coffee can cause dehydration, which even without drinking them can already be with increased sweating or after severe food poisoning.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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